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《灵界经历》 第4303节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4303

4303. 1About palaces in the other life

A certain spirit was doubting as to whether there were palaces in the other life in which the upright dwelt, so they were shown to him live, and he entered there and was shown everything, and said that they are actually there, and that he perceived with every sense that it is so. He had been told earlier [cf. 4292-4293] that the buildings in the world, which they imagine to exist only in the world, are lowly in comparison, and that if one is good, he may dwell in any of a variety of palaces, surpassing in magnificence and harmony, as perceived by every sense, all the architectural art in the world - which I know to be true, as I have seen so many times. 1749, 7 June.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally in the manuscript by a wavy vertical line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4303


A certain spirit doubted whether palaces existed in the other life, in which the upright dwelt, wherefore they were shown to him to the life, and he entered in, and saw everything, and then said that it was even so, that he perceived with all fullness of sense, that the fact was no otherwise. He had been previously assured that the edifices which were in the world, and which only were supposed to be possible, were comparatively vile, and that if one is good he may dwell, with all variety, in palaces which for magnificence and harmony exceed, to the view of every sense, all the architectural art in the world, and this I know to be true, as I have often seen them. - 1749, June 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 4303 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4303. De palatiis in altera vita

Quidam spiritus dubitabat, quod in altera vita darentur palatia, in quibus habitarent probi, quare ei ostensa sunt ad vivum, et ibi intravit et omnia vidit, et dixit, quod prorsus ita se habeant, et quod omni sensu percipiat, quod ita sit; dictum ei prius [cf. 4292-4293] quod aedificia quae in mundo sunt, et quae putant unice [ibi] dari, esse vilia respective, et si bonus, quod cum omni varietate habitare possit in palatiis, quae magnificentia, et harmonia coram omni sensu excedant omnem artem architectorum in mundo, quod verum esse, scio, quia toties vidi. 1749, 7 Junius.

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