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《灵界经历》 第4304节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4304

4304. About an advance of the Sirens

When I awoke, there were Sirens around me, streaming in in rolls, which surprised me, for the particular reason that certain ones had assumed that the inflow of the Lord meant nothing else than that He would seize them, and would rule. But they were shown how great the difference is, and after this was done, the sirens went rolling forward toward others, and streamed in. I was then permitted to observe them as they flowed in to subjugate and dominate the others. Meanwhile I spoke with them and with the others about what they are like wherever they came: they would steal into the feelings of anyone at all, pretending to be like them, seeking their indulgence so as to be welcomed. But the sirens went on from place to place behaving in this way, like flies in latrines, outwardly of a golden sheen, but being inwardly filthy, having no other intention than to dominate, and by hook or by crook - especially by a pretence of uprightness toward the good - to captivate their minds, whom, having taken captive, they lead wherever they want, thus into disgraceful and filthy ways of life. 1749, 8 June. 1


1. Symbol.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4304


Upon awaking there were Sirens around me who flowed into the will, at which I was surprised, not being able to account for it, inasmuch as some supposed that the Lord's influx alone was nothing else than a strongly possessing and governing power, but it was shown them how great is the difference. When this was done the sirens proceeded in a mass or volume [volumatim] to others and flowed into them, and it was given to observe their influx, how their aim was thereby to subjugate and domineer over others. In the meantime, I spoke both with them and with others concerning them and their quality; wherever they came they insinuated themselves into all kinds of actions, pretending that they were of the same, and thus prompting to indulgence in order that they might be received. Proceeding thus from one place to another and every where acting in the same manner, they might be likened to flies which appear outwardly beautifully gilded, but which frequent sinks and filthy places, so defiled are they inwardly; they were intent upon nothing else then gaining dominion, at all hazards, especially by putting on the semblance of uprightness with the good, taking souls captive, and when they have done this leading them wherever they will, and thus into things disgraceful and vile. - 1749, June 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 4304 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4304. De Sirenum progressione

Evigilatus [ego,] fuerunt Sirenes circum me, influebant volumatim, quod miratus, ex quadam causa, quod quidam autumarunt influxum Domini non esse aliud, quam quod occuparet eos, et regnaret, sed ostensum iis quantum discrimen; quod cum factum, progressi sunt sirenes volumatim ad alios, et influebant, tunc observare licuit eorum influxum, ut subjugarent alios, et dominarentur, interea cum illis loquutus et cum aliis, de iis quales sunt ubicunque veniebant, se insinuabant in affectiones quorumcunque, simulantes se tales, et sic indulgentes iis ut reciperentur; sed progressae ab uno loco in alterum ita facientes, assimilatae sunt muscis, quae aureae apparent extus, sed sunt in latrinis, ita intus spurcae, nihil aliud intendentes quam dominari, et per fas et nefas, imprimis per simulationem honesti apud bonos, captantes animos quos cum captarunt, ducunt quocunque velint, sic in inhonesta, et spurca. 1749, 8 Junius.

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