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《灵界经历》 第4305节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4305

4305. About those who imagine that all things are fantasies

I saw a certain spirit who seemed to be grinding flour, having several small mirrors beside him. I wondered what this meant, speculating that it might be one of the class of magicians. Afterwards I saw several things that were produced by fantasy that were of an aerial quality. He then came toward me, saying that it was he who was grinding, and that he had entertained ideas of that kind, that all things down to the very least were only fantasy, and nothing was real. This was how he became of this character. 1749, 8 June. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Jupiter, meaning Thursday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4305


There was a certain one who seemed as if busied in grinding meal, and having a number of small mirrors at his side. Wondering what this meant, I thought it might be one of the class of magicians; but I afterwards saw several things of an aerial kind which were produced from phantasy. He subsequently came to me and said that he was the person who was occupied in grinding, and that he had the idea that all and singular things whatever were mere phantasies; thus, that nothing real existed. Hence the character he had acquired. - 1749, June 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 4305 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4305. De iis qui putant omnia esse phantasias

Erat quidam qui visus qui moleret farinam, et quaedam parva specula a latere, miratus quid esset, autumavi quod essent qui magici; vidi postea quaedam quae ex phantasia, producta, quae aerea; veniebat dein ad me; dicebat quod is esset qui moleret, et quod habuerit tales ideas, quod omnia et singula essent modo phantasiae, ita nihil reale, inde talis factus. 1749, 8 Junius.

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