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《灵界经历》 第4306节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4306

4306. About the sirens

I realized and actually felt that the sirens, by their magical arts, were able to penetrate to the primary place of innocence, where the guardians of little children abide. Therefore I was conducted there through several habitations on the way, and the sirens were with me at my head, who were of a character that they also could be conveyed to that place, but always pondering, wherever they came, how they might learn to do some magical trick. Thus I was able to observe how dangerous those beings are. 1749, 11 June. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4306


I perceived and felt that sirens could penetrate to the first place of innocence, where are the guardians of infants. Wherefore I was conducted thither through several mansions on the way, and was accompanied by sirens at my head, who were of such a quality that they could be turned thither, but who were continually thinking how they might succeed in learning some new magical trick to practice wherever they came. It was hence observed how dangerous such creatures are. - 1749, June 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 4306 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4306. De sirenibus

Percepi et sensi quod sirenes artibus suis magicis usque in primum locum innocentiae, ubi infantum administratrices possent penetrare: quare perductus illuc per aliquot in via mansiones, et sirenes mecum ad caput, quae tales erant ut quoque illuc possent vehi, semper cogitantes, quomodo addiscere possent aliquid magicum facere, ubicunque veniebant: inde observatum quam periculosae tales sint. 1749, 11 Junius.

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