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《灵界经历》 第4307节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4307

4307. The sirens can never be described as to the amount of devices they seize upon in the other life. Whatever they see and hear they grasp for the purpose of practicing magical arts, and of domineering, and they also retain them in their memory, consult and apply them, and know instantaneously how to make use of them. The spirits were surprised that such beings could ever exist, who are malignant in the highest degree, devoid of any conscience, and extremely obscene. They know where societies are, walking around in them, exploring, moving their feelings and entering into them in their own way. They are frequently chastised and punished, and then draw away, but nevertheless return. They were with me for weeks, and caused me a great deal of trouble.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4307

4307. These sirens can never be described as to the arts which they catch at [arripiunt] in the other life. Whatever they see and hear, they lay hold of for the purpose of exercising magic, and of ruling and retaining everything in memory; they consult, they ply their arts, and they know in a moment how to turn them to account. Spirits wondered that such beings should exist; they are malignant in the highest degree, void of conscience, most obscene, and, knowing where societies are to be found, they reconnoiter, explore, and by entering into their affections work upon every individual in ways adapted to their ends; wherefore they are often chastised and punished, when they will [temporarily] abstain, but they still return [to their machinations]. They have been with me for weeks, and caused me a vast deal of trouble.

Experientiae Spirituales 4307 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4307. Non describi possunt sirenes, quantum arripiunt artes in altera vita, quicquid usque vident et audiunt arripiunt ob finem exercendi magica, et imperandi, et quoque retinent, memoria, exercent, consultant, momento sciunt in usum vertere, mirati sunt spiritus, quod tales usquam dari possint, sunt maligni in summo gradu, absque ulla conscientia, obscoenissimi, sciunt ubi societates, circumambulant, explorant, afficiunt quoslibet suis modis, intrant in affectiones; quam saepe castigantur et puniuntur, abstinent tunc, sed usque redeunt, per septimanas apud me fuerunt, et magnam molestiam fecerunt.

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