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《灵界经历》 第4308节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4308

4308. Why there are punishments

They are kept in bodily states

I have sometimes wondered why souls and spirits are punished, and in some cases severely, when yet they speak quite well when they are being kept in their last bodily state, that is, the state in which outer restraints keep them under control, and when they are kept in the state in which they had been when they were preaching, and persuading others. When they are kept in that state, then they know and confess the doctrinal tenets, and also the truths of religion - and yet they are punished! But the reason for this is that their inward qualities do not agree. When their outer qualities prevail, they imagine that they are upright, but as soon as those outer qualities or restraints, and their persuasive speech and knowledge are removed, then immediately the inward qualities are laid open, and shown to be contrary, so that then they are punished.

[2] Another reason it was granted me to learn is that this outer quality is nothing. Many spirits transfer themselves into the more refined aura, such as the sirens by their magic, and others also, and when they come into it, it is their inward qualities that operate, and if a soul or spirit is not amended before coming there, then his evil continues there, and it takes a very long time before he is amended. So spirits who are being purged are not permitted to come into a different aura before their purging is completed, or before they have been amended by means of punishments. Very many hellish spirits are in that [bodily] aura. 1749, 17 June. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4308


I have often wondered that souls and spirits should be punished, and sometimes severely, when yet they seem to speak well, especially if held in their ultimate state, i. e., the state in which external bonds bear sway, and when retained the state in which they were when they preached and persuaded others. So long as they are kept in this state, they know and confess sound doctrinals and the truths of faith; and yet they are punished. But the reason is that their interiors do not correspond; while abiding in externals they think themselves upright, but as soon as those externals - namely, bonds and the persuasives of speech and science - are removed, then their interiors are immediately laid open, and shown to be contrary, wherefore they are punished. It was given also to know the cause, to wit, that this external is, as it were, nothing. Many spirits transfer themselves into a subtler sphere, as the sirens, by means of their art, and others also, whither when they come, their interiors are what operate. Unless a soul or spirit is amended before he comes thither, his evil is then continued, and a long time is required before the amendment takes place; wherefore it is not permitted to spirits who are being vastated to come into that other sphere before the vastation is accomplished, or they are amended by punishments. Very many of the infernals are in that sphere. - 1749, June 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 4308 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4308. Cur poenae, et quod teneantur in corporeis

Miratus sum quandoque, quod animae seu spiritus, puniantur, et quandoque graviter, cum tamen loquantur satis bene, cum tenentur in statu ultimo, nempe in quo vincula externa regunt, et cum tenentur in statu, in quo fuerunt cum praedicarunt et persuaserunt aliis, in quo statu cum tenentur, tunc sciunt et fatentur talia, quae doctrinalia sunt, etiam vera fidei, et usque puniuntur, sed causa est, quod interiora eorum non correspondent; cum in externis putant tunc quod probi sint, at vero utprimum externa illa, nempe vincula, et persuasiva loquelae et scientiae auferuntur, tunc statim interiora propalantur, quod contraria sint, quare tunc puniuntur; causam quoque datum est scire, quod nihil sit externum hoc, plerique spiritus in sphaeram subtiliorem se transferunt, ut sirenes ex arte, et alii quoque, quo cum veniunt interiora sunt quae operantur; nisi anima seu spiritus prius quam illuc venit emendetur, tunc ibi continuatur malum, et longiori tempore opus est, antequam emendetur; quare spiritibus qui vastantur, non permittitur ut in alteram eam sphaeram veniant, priusquam vastati sunt, vel per poenas emendati. In ea sphaera sunt plerique infernales. 1749, 17 Junius.

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