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《灵界经历》 第4309节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4309

4309. About pretense, or those who speak differently than they think

It was shown to me how those appear who speak differently than they are thinking, or those who had preached the good and true qualities of faith, and yet had not been of that character, so that they had thought differently. One such spirit was raised up quite high and rotated about, and then there appeared darts round about, verging toward him. This showed that he was of that character, for darts appear to fall down also upon the head of those who speak differently than they think, particularly of those who speak thus to someone in a flattering manner. 1749, 17 June. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4309


It was shown me of what quality they appear who speak otherwise than they think, or who have preached the good and truths of faith, and yet, from their lives being contrary, have thought the reverse. A certain one of this character was raised up somewhat on high, and made to circumrotate, when there appeared darts verging from all sides towards him. From this it was made known what his true character was, for darts appear falling upon the head of those who speak differently from what they think, especially those who speak thus in a flattering, wheedling way. - 1749, June 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 4309 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4309. De simulatione, seu qui aliter loquuntur quam cogitant

Ostensum mihi est, quales apparent illi, qui aliter loquuntur ac cogitant, seu illi qui praedicarunt bona et vera fidei, et tamen non tales fuerunt, sic ut cogitarint alia, sublatus est quidam talis in altius, et circumrotatus, et tunc apparebant spicula circum circa, quae vergebant ad eum, ex quibus constabat quod talis, nam spicula apparent delapsa quoque in caput eorum, qui aliter loquuntur ac cogitant, proprie qui adblandiendo alicui ita loquuntur. 1749, 17 Junius.

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