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《灵界经历》 第4310节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4310

4310. He was indeed surprised, remarking that he speaks so well with others namely, and about faith, and yet he is being so severely punished. But he received a reply from good spirits that in the other life, no attention is paid to what one says, but to what one is thinking, as it is the thought to which one attends in the other life. So there is this difference between life in the world and the life after death, that there it is the speaking that counts, but here, the thinking. Here it is the speech of thought that is heard and moves those present, and this all the more since principles of falsity have such a strong aura that hinder others from thinking freely about goodness and truths. 1749, 17 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4309

4310. A certain one expressed surprise that when the discourse held with others concerning faith [for instance] was so unexceptionable, so severe punishment should nevertheless ensue; but it was replied to him by good spirits that in the other life no regard is had to what anyone says, but to what he thinks. It is thought alone which is attended to in the other life, so that the difference between the life in the world, and the life after death, is, that there speech weighs, but here thought. There is here [with spirits] a cogitative speech which is perceived, and which affects those that are present, and that too the more when principles of the false hinder others from thinking freely concerning goods and truths. - 1749, June 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 4310 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4310. Quidem miratus, dicens, quod ita bene loquatur, cum aliis nempe, et de fide, et tamen tam graviter punitur, sed responsum ei est, a spiritibus bonis, quod in altera vita nihil attendatur ad id quod loquitur quis, sed ad id quod cogitat, in altera vita est cogitatio quae attenditur; sic ut differentia sit inter vitam in mundo, et vitam post mortem, quod ibi loquela valeat, hic autem cogitatio, est hic loquela cogitativa quae percipitur, et quae afficit illos qui adsunt, eoque magis cum principia falsi secum talem sphaeram habeant, ut impediant aliis cogitare libere, de bonis et veris. 1749, 17 Junius.

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