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《灵界经历》 第4311节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4311

4311. About uninstructed feelings and uninstructed matters of understanding

There are spirits in the other life who are moved by goodness and holiness, yet lack a discriminating understanding, so that providing a thing is good, they do not consider its motivation, nor any of the circumstances. They are the kind who do not allow themselves to be enlightened, and are therefore lacking in judgment, being carried over to the side of the deceitful and sirens and hypocrites, who are able to counterfeit goodness, truth, holiness, and thus gain their favor. Some of them are such that they allow themselves to be instructed, albeit gently, sometimes reinforcing the deceitful ones. This made it clear what feeling is without understanding, or if a person were not instructed as to the intellect, while possessing connate goodness, or endowed with goodness from early childhood.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4311


There are spirits in the other life who are affected by good and holy things, and who yet lack a discriminating intellect, so that, provided a thing is good, they do not consider the motive, nor any of its attendant circumstances. They are such as do not suffer themselves to be illustrated, and therefore want judgment; they are carried over to the side of the deceitful, of sirens, and of hypocrites, who can feign the good, the true, and the holy, and thus favor them. Some of them are such as are capable of being informed, though but slowly; these sometimes add to the power of the deceitful. It was hence manifest what affection is without intellect, viz., that unless a man is instructed as to his intellectual part, though he may be endowed with natural goodness, or has been imbued with good from his infancy, that affection is blind and easily seduced.

Experientiae Spirituales 4311 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4311. De affectionibus non instructis, et de intellectualibus non instructis

Sunt in altera vita spiritus, qui afficiuntur bonis et sanctis, nec habent intellectum discernendi, modo sit bonum, non spectantes a quo, nec aliquas circumstantias, sunt tales qui non se illustrari passi sunt, et sic non judicio gaudent, illi a dolosis et sirenibus et hypocritis, qui simulare bonum, verum, sanctum possunt, feruntur in eorum partes, et sic iis favent; quidam eorum tales sunt, ut se informari patiantur, quidem lente; illi potentiam addunt quandoque dolosis. Exinde constare potuit, quid affectio absque intellectu, seu nisi homo quoad partem intellectualem instrueretur, cum bonitate naturali gaudet, seu ab infantia donatus est bonitate.

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