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《灵界经历》 第4312节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4312

4312. Some are also intellectually so disposed that they seize upon anything as true that is true in general, and stick to it without regard for circumstances, such as those who want the good to be led into temptation so that they may become better, and are in favor of temptations on that principle, others on different grounds. These likewise are taken captive and led by sirens and the deceitful, because they do not cultivate the understanding, 1749, 18 June. 0. These latter, unlike the former, are not moved by charity and innocence, only by principles.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4312

4312. Some also are intellectually such, that they seize anything as true which is true in general, and inhere in it, without application to circumstances, as those [for instance] who assume that the good are led into temptations that they may be made better, and from that principle favor temptations; others otherwise. These are also captivated, and led by sirens and the deceitful, because weak in intellect. - 1749, June 18. These also, as well as the former, are not led by charity and innocence, except so far as they are [mere general] principles.

Experientiae Spirituales 4312 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4312. Quidam etiam intellectualiter tales sunt, qui arripiunt aliquod ut verum, quod in communi verum est, et absque applicatione ad circumstantias inhaerent, ut qui volunt ut boni in tentationem ducantur propterea ut meliores fiant, et favent tentationibus ex principio illo; alii aliter, ii quoque a sirenibus et dolosis captantur et ducuntur; quia intellectu non pollent, 1749, 18 Junius; hi vicissim ac priores, non a charitate et innocentia moventur, modo principiis.

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