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《灵界经历》 第4313节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4313

4313. About the memory of spirits

I heard a man speaking with another, both of them having been known to me in the life of the body. This one described the genius of the other, what he had been like, and what opinion he had had of him, then a letter he had written, and many incidents one after another, which the other acknowledged and became silent. This showed manifestly that spirits have a memory of personal matters, but that they are not allowed to draw from it unless it is permitted by the Lord. 1749, 25 June. 1. He then said that he had known, and had wanted to bring forth, still many more personal matters, but he was not permitted to do so.


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4313


I heard a certain spirit speak with another. I was acquainted with both in the life of the body. He described the genius and character of the other, and what opinion he had of him, and then [recited] a letter which he had written, and many other things in a series. The other acknowledged the whole and was silent. Hence it may manifestly appear that spirits have a memory of material things [particularium], but it is not allowed them to draw upon it, except when the Lord permits. - 1749, June 25. He then said that he knew a good many other particulars, and was desirous to produce them, but he was not permitted.

Experientiae Spirituales 4313 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4313. De memoria spirituum

Audivi quendam qui cum altero loquutus, ambos cognovi in vita corporis, is descripsit alterius genium, qualis fuit, et qualem opinionem de eo habuit, tum epistolam quam scripsit, et plura in serie, alter agnovit et conticuit; inde constare manifeste potuit, quod spiritibus memoria particularium, sed non licet inde depromere, nisi quando permittitur a Domino. 1749, 25 Junius.

Dixit dein quod adhuc plura particularia novisset et voluisset producere, sed non permittebatur ei.

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