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《灵界经历》 第433节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 433

433. Spirits also have the ability, more than people on earth, by various methods to look into and see what kind of a person someone had been, the methods being pictured in different ways

Besides the abilities of spirits spoken of before [400], namely, of possessing every human language as their own mother tongue, and of putting on a person's memory as their own, they also have from God the Messiah, the ability to look into people and see the least details pertaining to their life.

Now this was portrayed by some objects being removed from someone, like a bubble, and objects resembling a bubble that also seemed to be taken away; and as if they had been informed in this manner, they at once told what it was. One time this was also done by what looked like a cloud removed from a soul, while in the meantime, the person continues in an altered condition. From me too they removed little bubbles like these (although they are only a symbolic portrayal), and then they saw specific details of my life. So they see such things from one little bubble or part.

Moreover, they also look intently at loves, inclinations, and feelings, as well as matters retained in the memory that are clearly displayed to the eye. I was extremely surprised when [I realized] that they had been able to see with their eyes not only someone's single mental images, but even their tiniest feelings. Spiritual life is such that these things can be brought out for scrutiny, unlike the life of the body. 1747, the 30th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 433


Besides the things said above, namely, that spirits possess all a man's language as their native tongue and also put on his memory as though it were their own [n. 400 ]; they can also, when it is granted by God Messiah, view interiorly the single things in a man which concern his life. This, however, has been represented by some things that they have taken from the many, as by a bladder 1and similar things, which seemed to be taken away. In this way, as though instructed, they have immediately said what it was. Once it was also represented by the likeness of a cloud taken away from a soul, whilst in the meanwhile the man remains in another state. [They seemed] to take away from me also similar little bladders, although it was only a representation by means of like things, and thence they saw the special things of my life; thus they view interiorly such things from one little bladder or part. Moreover, they also contemplate the loves, inclinations, affections, besides the things of the memory represented clearly before the eye, at which I was very greatly surprised, since they could view with their eyes, not only the single ideas of anyone, but also his least affections. The spiritual life is such that these things can be presented for contemplation; not so the life of the body. 1747, Dec. 30.


1. In the Index (s.v. Sapientia) it is said to be "a water bubble".

Experientiae Spirituales 433 (original Latin 1748-1764)

433. Spiritibus etiam datum est prae hominibus, ut intueri possint, diversis modis, qualis homo fuit, modi repraesentati per varia

Praeter ea, de quibus prius [400], nempe quod spiritus omnem linguam hominis ut vernaculam possideant, tum induant ejus memoriam tanquam suam, etiam dum datur a Deo Messia, intueri possunt in homine singularia, quae concernunt vitam ejus, sed hoc repraesentatum est, per aliqua, quae abstulerunt ab homine, ut per vesicam 1

, et similia, quae etiam visa auferri--ita 2

statim tanquam instructi, id dixerunt quondam 3

etiam per similitudinem nubis ab anima ablatae 4

, dum interea homo manet in statu alio; a me etiam vesiculas abstulere similes [visi sunt], quamvis sit modo repraesentatio per similia, et inde viderunt specialia vitae, sic ut ab una vesicula seu parte intueantur talia: praeterea etiam amores, inclinationes, affectiones, praeter res memoriae clare repraesentatas ad oculum contemplantur, quod summopere miratus, quando alicujus non modo ideas singulas sed affectiunculas oculis spectare potuissent: talis est vita spiritualis, ut haec contemplanda sisti possint, non item vita corporis. 1747, die 30 Dec.


1. vide indicem ad Bullula, Sapientia et Spiritus

2. The Manuscript has auferri, ita

3. The Manuscript has dixerunt, quondam

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has ablati

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