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《灵界经历》 第434节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 434

434. About the veil of the Jews, also

A kind of punishment by means of the Veil

When the Jews want to protect anyone in the other life from being harmed by others, they usually cast a veil over them, under which they are safe, and guarded against harm from others, and so are not done violence.

Certain ones - but Christians - had been put under such a veil by Jews, so that they would be done no more injury by their own. But those under the veil, complaining that they were not able to breathe, were let go after a time.

The reason for this can be deduced: i.e. that those coming from Judaism are safer, being entirely in darkness, like in a thick cloud, than those who are in the light of truth, and yet deny it. This is why the Jews are also kept under the veil continually, during life [in the world].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 434


In the other life, when the Jews want to protect anyone from injury by others, they are accustomed to throw a veil over them under which they are safe, and so are defended from injury by others, nor are they harmed in this way. Some - but these were Christians - were subjected to such a veil by Jews so that they might no longer be harmed by them, but those under the veil complained that they could not breathe. After a lapse of time they were released. The origin of this can thence be deduced; [namely], that those of the Jews who are altogether obscured and in a dense cloud, are safer than those who are in the light of truth and yet deny; wherefore during their life they are also continually held under a veil.

Experientiae Spirituales 434 (original Latin 1748-1764)

434. De velo Judaeorum tum Species punitionis per Velum

Solent Judaei, quum aliquem in altera vita tutari velint ab injuria aliorum, superinjicere velum, sub quo tuti sint, et sic defensi ab injuria aliorum, ita nec violantur; quidam tali velo, sed Christiani, subjecti a Judaeis fuerunt, ut non amplius ab iis violarentur, sed conquesti sunt ii sub velo, quod non respirare possent, post temporis moram soluti, origo istius inde deduci possit, quod tutiores sint ii ex Judaeis, qui prorsus obscurati sunt, ac in densa nube, quam qui in luce veritatis, et usque negant; quare etiam in vita sub velo continue tenentur.

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