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《灵界经历》 第435节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 435

435. As for punishment by means of the veil, those undergoing it seem to themselves, because of the illusions imposed upon them, to be under a veil stretching out to a great distance, sometimes for miles. The veil is like a thin but unbroken cloud, which thickens according to the power of the illusion. And so they get upset and run about, here and there, far and wide, trying to break out of the veil. They go at varying speeds and with varying force, until finally, exhausted, they either lie down, or are held feet upward and head downward - which can last for a long time, until their indignation has ceased.

A veil of this kind is introduced into the fantasy of those who, though they see the truth, yet - due to all kinds of reasons bursting from their loves - cannot manage to acknowledge it. But since they are constantly becoming displeased for those reasons, so much that they fight against the truth which they nevertheless see, such a veil is suited to their fantasy. And they tell me now that they are being tormented miserably by a longing to extricate themselves - a longing that is flaming up [within them]. 1747, the 31st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 435

435. With regard to the punishment by the veil, it is such that through the phantasies impressed upon them, they seem to themselves to be each under his own veil which is extended a great distance, it may be for miles. The veil is, as it were, a thin coherent cloud which becomes denser according to the governance of the phantasy. [Those under it] also excite themselves so that they run about hither and thither throughout its length and breadth, that they may burst forth from the veil, thus with diverse velocity and with diverse force, until at length, overcome with fatigue, they lie down, or are held with their feet upwards, and their head downwards. This may last a long time, even until their indignation has ceased. Such a veil is prepared in the phantasy of those who, although they see the truth, nevertheless of themselves cannot obtain it; there are many reasons within themselves, bursting forth from their loves, as they acknowledge, but from those reasons they are continually indignant, so that they fight against the truth which, however, they see. Such a veil corresponds to their phantasy. And they now tell me that they are miserably tormented by the desire of extricating themselves, which desire is inflamed. 1747, Dec. 31. 1


1. The entry in the Index (s.v. Velum) is: "Concerning a wide band in which some are enveloped and they can scarcely be unrolled for the band is still lengthened. Concerning the veil which is thrown over them, under which they run about desiring ardently to extricate themselves and burst forth, but in vain, from whom there is much trouble for those who remain in the external things of the Word and consequently do not want to be enlightened by interior things. Those also under the veil have their feet upwards and their head downwards." See also AC 963.

Experientiae Spirituales 435 (original Latin 1748-1764)

435. Quod punitionem per velum concernit, tale 1

est, quod per phantasias iis impressas videantur sibi sub velo extenso in multam distantiam esse, potest ad milliaria, velum est quasi nubes tenuis cohaerens, quae densatur secundum phantasiae regimen, excitant se etiam ut discurrant huc illuc, in longum et latum, et e velo queant erumpere, sic velocitate diversa, et vi diversa 2

, usque dum fatigati recumbunt, vel tenentur pedibus sursum capite deorsum, hoc perstare potest diu, usque dum indignatio cesserit; tale velum in eorum phantasia paratur, qui tametsi vident veritatem, usque tamen ex se non obtinere possunt--ex 3

causis pluribus 4

in iis, ex amoribus erumpentibus--ut 5

agnoscant, sed [quum] continue indignentur ex iis causis, ita quod {a} repugnent veritati, quam usque vident, eorum phantasiae vale velum correspondet; et dicunt nunc mihi, quod miserabiliter cruciantur cupidine se extricandi, quae cupido accenditur. 1747, die 31 Dec.


1. sic manuscript

2. The Manuscript has divesa

3. The Manuscript has possunt, ex

4. The Manuscript has plures ut videtur

5. The Manuscript has erumpentes (sic!), ut

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