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《灵界经历》 第436节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 436

436. A kind of punishment consisting in running around

There are some whom fantasies punish in this way, namely by their seeming to themselves to be running around and around in a circle backwards, either from right to left, or the reverse, depending on to the fantasies. In this way, in quite short gyres, they time and again come back and go out again, carrying something with them that is weighing them down.

This kind of punishment comes to those who let themselves be led along by their desires, and even though they see and acknowledge truths, nevertheless go back on them, drawn by their yearnings. Thus they go forth into the field of understanding and recognize [truth], but being drawn by their desire, fall back into opposing it.

This is especially applicable to women, in whom desires normally take precedence, when they join in like men in matters regarding the doctrines of faith. 1747, the 31st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 436


There are those whom their phantasies punish in this way: namely, they seem to themselves to be running around a circuit backward, or from right to left, or by their phantasies in some other way; and thus as often as they go and return by short enough gyres, they draw something with them which aggravates them. This kind of punishment is for those who suffer themselves to be led by their cupidities, and although they see and acknowledge truths, they nevertheless still return [to their phantasies], being drawn away by their cupidities. Thus they make excursions into the intellectual field, and acknowledge [what they see], but being drawn by their cupidity they return to their repugnances. This is more applicable to women, in whom cupidities usually have predominance, who meddle with those things which concern the doctrines of faith, like men. 1747, Dec. 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 436 (original Latin 1748-1764)

436. Species punitionis per circumcursionem

Sunt quos phantasiae ita puniunt, nempe quod videantur sibi circumcursitare in orbem retrorsum seu a dextro ad sinistrum, seu aliter per 1

phantasias, et sic toties per breves satis gyros redeunt, euntque, secum aliquid trahunt, quod 2

eos aggravat, haec punitionis species est iis, qui a cupiditatibus se patiuntur duci, et tametsi vident et agnoscunt veritates, usque tamen redeunt a cupiditatibus tracti, excurrunt sic in campum intellectualem, et agnoscunt, sed trahente cupiditate redeunt in repugnantias; hoc magis applicabile est mulieribus, in quibus cupiditates praedominium solent habere, quae se sicut viri, in iis quae fidei doctrinas spectant 3

, immiscent. 1747, die 31 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has seu ut apparet

2. The Manuscript has vel trahunt, vel quod, ubi deletio primi vel erronee omissa

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has spectat

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