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《灵界经历》 第437节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 437

437. A kind of purging by bringing on a childlike uprightness

Now to some, a kind of gentle purging process is applied that brings them back into a kind of childlike uprightness, these being the sort who are treated leniently. But in that uprightness there is also, due to their fantasy, a strong desire to surpass others in understanding. Their understanding, however, is taken captive and tied up, for the reason either that they love their own [thoughts], and then can hardly bear it when others utter truer or better ones, or that they do not want the good repute of their own group, consequently of themselves, to be detracted from - thus also because of [a desire] for eminence of self above others.

Being in this state of induced uprightness, they are so tormented by that hidden desire, that they ardently want to be released from it and to return into their original condition. Yet for others, in this [childlike] state one can be happy, because one is then outside of the worrying state. 1747, the 31st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 437


This mild species of vastation is also assigned to some, that they are reduced to a kind of probity, as it were, infantile. They are such as those to whom clemency is shown. But in that probity there is also present from their phantasy the cupidity of excelling others in understanding; this is held captive and restrained because either they love their own things and thus take it ill that others should say things truer and better than themselves, or they are unwilling that honor should be detracted from those connected with them, and thus from themselves. In this way also [they act] from [the thought] of their own excellence above others. In the induced state of that probity they are tormented by the hidden cupidity that they ardently desire to be released therefrom and return to their former state, even though that state is to others such that a man can be happy in it, for he is then outside that state which disquiets. 1747, Dec. 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 437 (original Latin 1748-1764)

437. Species vastationis per inductionem probitatis sicut infantilis

Quibusdam etiam ea species vastationis mitis traditur, quod in speciem probitatis sicut infantilis redigantur 1

, sunt tales quibus clementia exhibetur, sed in probitate ista quoque adest ex eorum phantasia cupiditas praecellendi aliis intellectu, qui captivatur et restringitur ex causis, quod sua vel ament, et sic aegre ferant, quod alii veriora ac meliora dicant, vel quod nolint, ut suis derogetur honor, ita sibimet, ita quoque ex praecellentia sui prae aliis; in probitate 2

ista 3

inducta torquentur a cupidine latenti 4

, ut inde exsolvi ardeant, et redire in statum pristinum; tametsi aliis status iste sit talis, ut homo in eo possit esse felix, nam tunc extra eum statum est, qui sollicitat. 1747, die 31 Dec.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition adigantur

2. In the Manuscript probitatis in probitate emendatum

3. The Manuscript has istius

4. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition latendi

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