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《灵界经历》 第438节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 438

438. The last angelic heaven: their happiness is based in settings similar to earthly ones

Spirits who had not yet been let into Heaven because disharmony repugnant to heavenly beings still prevailed in them, were speaking with me about heavenly happiness. Because they did not know about it, 1it was said:

There are separate dwellings, where those are who can live together harmoniously, forming societies. In fact, from a power of illusion or imagination still remaining with them, pleasant and delightful [scenes] seem to be created for them, in which heavenly peace reigns. If they so choose, pleasure gardens also seem to be created for them containing every variety of trees and fruits; as well as cities and palaces, and the like.

But these things should not be described too much for the world, lest it seek what is heavenly in fantasies.


1. While the original has "ignorabam," the context clearly calls for "igorabant." By prolepsis, the author wrote "ignorabam, dicebam" and then changed "dicebam" to "dicebatur."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 438


Spirits who had not as yet been admitted into heaven because discord, which is repugnant to the heavenly ones, still dominated, spoke with me concerning heavenly happiness. Because I was ignorant about it, it was said that there are distinct abodes, where are those who can live conjoined, and they form societies; and there, indeed, from the phantasy or imagination still remaining, heavenly pleasantnesses and delights appear to them to be formed, in which heavenly peace reigns. If they also wish it for themselves, paradises also appear to them to be formed with every variety of trees and fruits: and also cities, palaces, and similar things; but these things are not to be written in this way for the world lest they seek heavenly things in phantasies.

Experientiae Spirituales 438 (original Latin 1748-1764)

438. Ultimum (1) coelum angelicum quod ex varietatibus naturalibus similibus felicitas eorum consistat

Spiritus, qui nondum admissi in Coelum sunt, quia discordia, quae repugnat coelestibus, dominabatur adhuc, de coelesti felicitate mecum loquebantur, quam quia ignorabam, dicebatur, quod distincta sint domicilia, ubi ii qui conjuncte 2

vivere possunt, sint, et forment societates, et quidem ibi ex remanente adhuc phantasia seu imaginatione, sibi videantur formari amaenitates et delitiae coelestes 3

, in quibus pax coelestis regnat; si etiam optant sibi, etiam sibi videntur formari paradisi, cum omni varietate arborum et fructuum, tum etiam civitates et palatia, ac similia, sed haec non ita scribenda sunt orbi, ne in phantasiis quaerat coelestia.


2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition conjuncti

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