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《灵界经历》 第439节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 439

439. The wickedness of those entering the other life at this day is unbelievable

What left and right are

For several days, some who had died and entered into the other life not many years before, were allowed to practice their deceptions and intrigues against true and good qualities, by distorting them, and many more tricks than I could ever describe. They have mediums; they tauntingly urge each other on; they combine their malicious efforts, which are unbelievably wicked. These points show clearly enough that belief has been laid waste at this day. 1748, 2 January.

The entire lower realm, that of spirits coming from earth, is almost such that if a word is let down from heaven, it is distorted, and its meaning can hardly be understood.

The things that lie inwardly concealed in people and have become their own by practice, they bring out at the entrance to the other life, on being let in among spirits. These spirits were portrayed to me as being at the left side in front, toward the middle of the face. Those at the right were the upright. This should be noted, for all at the left, however many, are corrupt, and corrupters, who use such dreadful methods that no person on earth could ever believe it. The things they perpetrate are only the root of evil, for which they have an instinct; but more hideous is the instinct of those spirits who seem to themselves to possess some light of reason. This hellish gang is devoid of the discernment with which nature endowed them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 439


For many days it was permitted those who had died and entered the other life not many years ago, to exercise their deceits and machinations against those things which are true and good, by perverting them and by very many other machinations which I can never describe. They have subjects. They mutually instigate each other. They concentrate their malicious [arts] which are incredible; from which it can be sufficiently confirmed that faith at this day is vastated. 1748, Jan. 2.

[439a.] The whole lower sphere, or that of the spirits coming from the earth, is almost such that when a word is sent down from heaven, it is perverted, and what its quality is can scarcely be perceived. Those things lying inwardly concealed in man and increased by exercise, he brings forth in the entrance to the other life, when they are admitted among spirits, who were represented to me at the left side, in front towards the [left] half of the face. Those who were at the right are the upright. This should be observed, for all at the left, however many they may be, are perverted, and perverters in ways so direful that no man in the world can ever believe it. The things they actuate are only the roots of evil, of which there is an instinct; but in the case of those who seem to themselves to excel by any light of reason, it is more loathsome than the infernal crowd which is destitute of the lumen of nature.

Experientiae Spirituales 439 (original Latin 1748-1764)

439. Quod incredibilis sit malitia eorum, qui hodie in alteram vitam ingrediuntur Quid 1

sinistra ex dextra

Per plures dies permissum erat iis, qui non ante plures annos mortui in vitam alteram ingressi, dolos et machinamenta sua, contra ea quae vera et bona sunt, exercere 2

, ea pervertendo, et per plurimas alias machinationes, quas nusquam possum describere, subjecta habent, se mutuo instigant, concentrant malitias, quae incredibiles sunt, ex quibus satis constare potest, quod hodie vastata sit fides. 1748, 2 Jan. Tota sphaera inferior seu spirituum venientium e terra fere talis est, ut quando vox demissa sit de coelo, pervertatur, et vix percipi queat qualis sit. Quae intus latent in homine, et emta 3

per exercitia, haec prodit in introitu ad alteram vitam quando admittuntur inter spiritus, qui mihi a sinistro latere 4

repraesentati sunt, antrorsum versus dimidiam faciem; qui ad dextram, ii sunt probi, quod observandum, nam omnes quotcunque a sinistra sunt perversi et perversores, tam diris modis, ut nusquam aliquis homo in mundo id credere possit, sunt modo radix 5

mali, quae agunt, quorum est instinctus, sed tetrior est eorum qui aliqua rationis luce pollere sibi videntur. Turba infernalis haec destituetur lumine naturae.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has Quad' ut apparet

2. The Manuscript has excercere

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition aucta

4. The Manuscript has laterre

5. nisi legeris radice vel radics

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