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《灵界经历》 第4381节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4381

4381. There are many kinds and many species of fantasies, and just as many hells with actual pain, torment, and the accompanying sensation. I have seen how they torment each another mutually by fantasies in the hells. They tie one another so tightly as if by ropes, that the spirit does not know otherwise than that he is bound hands and feet, then thrown wherever they please. They also turn him into a fierce animal, a bear or some other, and tie him by his neck and head, even his teeth, and drag him if he resists, causing him considerable pain.

Then I saw that they throw snakes, and that he trampled them with his feet, so that gore was seen over the whole area. He is forced to do this. By these and other such methods, one torments the other by fantasy, and the one who is tormenting the other is also subjected to like torments. The kinds and species of fantasies are as countless as are their hells. This kind was as described; other kinds differ. 1749, 1 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4381

4381. The genera of phantasies are very numerous, and the species still more so. Indeed there are as many hells as there are different kinds of phantasies, and all attended [on the part of their subjects] with living pain, torment and perception. I have seen how they mutually torment each other in the hells by means of phantasies. One would bind another so tightly with cords, that the spirit knew no otherwise than that he was actually bound as to his hands and feet, and was thus cast whenever the other saw fit. They would then turn him into a wild animal, a bear, or something else, and bind him by the neck and head, and even by the teeth, and draw him, if he lagged, and that with sensible pain. I have seen also that they would project serpents, and the other party would crush them with his feet, and the gore would be seen [flowing] thence over the whole place [where they stood]: in this manner he was irresistibly compelled to act. By these and such like phantasies one tortures another, and he who inflicts it is sent into similar tortures. The genera and species of phantasies are innumerable, according to their hells. This kind was such as I have described - others are different. - 1749, September 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 4381 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4381. Phantasiarum plurima genera et plures species sunt, totidem etiam inferna cum vivo dolore, cruciatu, perceptione talium. Vidi quomodo se mutuo cruciant phantasiis in infernis; ligant unus alterum tam arcte sicut funibus, nec aliter novit spiritus quam quod ligatus manibus et pedibus, et sic conjectus quocunque libet; tum vertunt eum in ferox animal, ursum vel aliud, et ligant collo et capite, etiam dentibus, et trahunt, is renititur, hoc fit cum sensibili dolore, tum vidi quod projiciant serpentes, et quod is pedibus contereret eos, inde sanies visa per totum planum, adigitur ita facere; his et talibus phantasia cruciat unus alterum, et qui cruciat etiam immittitur similibus: phantasiarum genera et species sunt innumerabiles, secundum eorum inferna; hoc genus tale erat, alia genera aliter. 1749, 1 Sept.

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