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《灵界经历》 第4382节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4382

4382. About the state of early childhood, and about remnants

There was a little child of three years in a place of a certain land, and I spoke with angels about little children being ruled by good spirits and angels. Angelic spirits spoke with me in front, up above, in angelic language, not so much divided up into words, and it was given me to know that they were from societies where there is calm, for I felt a calmness of mind, and this for a half hour or an hour. They told that they were with a little child, that this was their state of blessedness. I realized then and spoke with the angels of the fact that with little children after birth, there are angels who are in a state of innocence, then that there are those who are in a state of calm, finally those in a state of caring for others; and that afterwards, as charity decreases, and at the same time calm, and innocence, and they are stored up, they are removed as the person passes into a life contrary to charity - to a lesser degree with those who remain in a state of charity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4382


There was an infant of three years old in a place upon a certain earth, and I conversed with angels concerning infants and their being ruled by good spirits and angels. Angelic spirits spoke with me in front above, in angelic speech but little distinguished into vocal expressions: and it was given to know that they were from societies where tranquility reigned, for I perceived a tranquility of mind, and that too for the space of half an hour or an hour; they said that they were with the infant, and this was the state of their blessedness. It was then perceived and conversed about with the angels, that such angels as are in innocence are with infants after birth, afterwards those who are in a state of tranquility, then those who are in charity; and that afterwards, as charity decreases, and also tranquility and innocence, and are inwardly hidden, so these angels are removed in proportion as a man passes into a life contrary to charity; this is less the case with those who remain in charity.

Experientiae Spirituales 4382 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4382. De Infantum statu et reliquiis # # 1

Erat infans trium annorum in loco terrae cujusdam, et cum angelis loquutus de infantibus quod regantur a bonis spiritibus et angelis: spiritus angelici mecum loquuti antrorsum superne loquela angelica, non ita distincta in voces, et nosse datum quod ii essent e societatibus ubi tranquillitas, nam percepi tranquillitatem mentis, et hoc per semihorium vel horam, dicebant quod ii essent apud infantem, erat status beatitudinis eorum. Perceptum dein et loquutus cum angelis quod apud infantes post nativitatem sint angeli qui in statu innocentiae, dein quod illi qui in statu tranquillitatis, demum qui in charitatis, et quod postea sicut charitas decrescit, et simul tranquillitas et innocentia, et recondantur, ita removeantur sicut transit homo in vitam charitati contrariam; minus apud eos qui manent in charitate.


1. sic ms. sed locum aliquem insertionis cum signo correspondente non invenimus

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