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《灵界经历》 第4383节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4383

4383. Moreover, because a life contrary to charity is to charity as winter to spring in frigid zones, these are not regenerated, but only one who is like winter compared to spring in temperate zones, and so forth. As for the life of those comparable to winter in frigid zones, it is too contrary for them to be able to be regenerated, for the states of charity, of calm and of innocence hide themselves away, and cannot be brought back unless that life is ended; nor can it be tempered as with those whose life is like the winter in temperate zones. 1749, 1 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4383

4383. Moreover, as a life contrary to charity is to charity as winter to the spring in the frigid zone, these are not regenerated, but those only who are fitly represented by the winter compared with the spring in the temperate zones, and so on. They whose life is like to the winter in the frozen zones, have a life too directly contrary [to charity] to admit of their being regenerated; for the states of charity, tranquility, and innocence, hide themselves so deeply within that they cannot be again brought forth, except by that life being most thoroughly subdued; nor can it be tempered or moderated as with those whose life is similar to winter in the temperate zones. - 1749, September 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 4383 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4383. Praeterea quia vita contraria charitati ad charitatem se habet sicut hyems ad ver in zonis frigidis, hi non regenerantur, sed qui sicut in zonis temperatis se habet ut hyems ad ver, ac ita porro; quorum vita similis est hyemi in zonis frigidis, nimis contraria est, quam ut possint regenerari, nam status charitatis, tranquillitatis et innocentiae se ita abscondunt, nec reduci possunt, nisi illa vita aborta sit, nec temperari potest sicut apud eos, quorum vita similis est hyemi in zonis temperatis. 1749, 1 Sept.

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