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《灵界经历》 第4384节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4384

4384. How the evil states of the upright return in the other life

Evil states against enemies all return in the other life, and enemies appear as present, even those of the upright and the good, for there is nothing that does not return, though in their case not in the same way. With one who had harbored hatred, the states of hatred return, together with a mind to destroying them, which is a property of hatred, but more than that, a property of enmity coupled with contempt. If they are upright, had entertained many such states, had despised others, had had enemies, and whatever else is inherent in contempt and enmity - if upright, then it is not hatred in them, nor revenge, nor deceit, so they are easily reconciled when they realize what the other is like. If the other harbors hatred, then they are separated, for they do not agree; if their contempt and enmity is devoid of hatred and revenge, then they are led by the Lord in such a way that they do not become enemies, or the upright one an enemy against the other, but will choose to will his welfare, however much the other may be an enemy to him. This I know from much experience. 1749, 7 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4384


All evil states having reference to enemies return in the other life, and are exhibited as present to such enemies, even the states of the upright and good, for there is nothing that does not return, though not in a uniform manner. When one has cherished hatreds, his hatreds return with a propensity to destroy, which is a property of hatred, as also with the upright those enmities which have been coupled with contempt. Such states multitudes have cherished; they have despised others; they have held them as enemies, and whatever there is in this contempt and opposition [returns], but with the upright neither hatred, nor revenge, nor deceit remains fixed, consequently they are easily pacified and reconciled. When the quality of the other party is perceived, and he is seen to be actuated by hatred, they are then separated, as they do not agree. If the contempt and enmity has been free from hatred and revenge, they are so led by the Lord as not to become enemies to each other, or at any rate the upright one shall not be an enemy to the other, but shall desire and will his good, however the other may be an enemy to him. This I have learned by multiplied experience. - 1749, September 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 4384 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4384. Quomodo redeunt status mali proborum in altera vita

Status mali contra inimicos redeunt omnes in altera vita, et inimici sistuntur praesentes, etiam proborum et bonorum, nam nihil non redit, verum non simili modo, qui odium habuit, ejus odia redeunt cum animo perdendi eos, qui est odii, praeterea inimicitiae cum contemtu, si probi, tales status quoque plures habuerunt, contemserunt alios, inimicos habuerunt, et quicquid tunc in contemtu et inimicitia, si probi tunc non odium inest, nec vindicta, nec dolus, ideo facile iterum resarciuntur, cum percipiunt qualis alter est, si alter ex odio, tunc separantur, nam non conveniunt, si contemtus et inimicitia absque odio et vindicta, a Domino ita ducuntur, ut non inimici fiant, seu is inimicus contra alterum, utcunque alter inimicus est, usque optat et vult ejus bonum, hoc a multiplici experientia. 1749, 7 Sept.

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