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《灵界经历》 第4385节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4385

4385. [A conversation] with Jews about greed

There were many from among the Jews with me. I spoke with them about the other life, not knowing that they were there, imagining that they were in the body. But when I told them they should reflect on the fact that they did not know their own name, who they are, what trade they plied, what house they lived in, who their servants were, who their friends - then they could be sure that they were in the other life. So they then declared that they were spirits, and they were surprised.

[2] They then spoke quite thoughtfully, and it was granted me to ask them what gave them delight, to which they replied, to have money, not for the sake of a use, but for the sake of the money. But I was prompted to ask them, since there is no money in the other life, consequently no delight from having money, what delight they would now like to have, being paupers, having nothing. They hesitated, pondering about what delight they would like to have since there is no more delight such as they had had in the world, speaking among themselves, acknowledging the truth of this, and that they would seek for the delight proper to that Kingdom in which they now are. So they are being led gradually to thoughts about everlasting life. I spoke much with them about their commercial activities in the world. 1749, 10 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4385


There was with me a number of spirits from among the Jews with whom I conversed concerning the other life. They knew not that they were in that life, supposing themselves to be still in the body. But when it was said to them that if they would reflect upon the circumstance of their not knowing their own name, nor who they were, nor what kind of traffic they had followed, nor what house they had lived in, nor who were their domestics or friends, they might then be aware that they were in the other life. Whereupon [having reflected] they said they were spirits and wondered. As they then spoke quite considerately, it was given to inquire of them as to the nature of their delight; to which they replied that it consisted in the possession of money, not, however, for the sake of use, but for its own sake. It was given to ask, as there is no money in the other life, nor consequently the delight thence arising, what kind of delight they then proposed to themselves, seeing that they were poor and destitute. Upon this they hesitated, pondering upon the kind of delight which they might promise themselves, since what they had in the world they could now have no longer. They thereupon entered into a colloquy with each other, acknowledging the truth and agreeing to inquire into the delight pertaining to that kingdom. In this manner they are led by degrees to thoughts concerning eternal life. I had much discourse with them also respecting their commercial transactions in the world, etc. 1749, September 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 4385 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4385. Cum Judaeis de avaritia

Erant plures ex Judaeis apud me, loquutus cum iis de altera vita, nesciebant quod ibi essent, putantes in corpore, sed cum dictum iis, quod reflecterent super id quod nescirent nomen suum, quinam sint, qua mercatura, qua domo, qui domestici, qui amici, tunc scire possent, quod in altera vita sint; quare dicebant tunc quod spiritus essent, et mirati: loquuti satis meditate; iis datum quaerere, quodnam eorum jucundum sit, dicebant pecunias habere, non propter usum sed propter pecunias, sed dicere datum, cum in altera vita non dentur pecuniae, inde nec jucundum ex pecuniis, quodnam jucundum nunc habere velint, sunt pauperes, nihil habentes, haesitabant, et pensitabant quodnam jucundum, cum non tale amplius quale in mundo, inter se colloquentes, agnoscentes quod hoc verum, et quod inquirerent jucundum quod illius Regni esset, in quo sunt, ita ducuntur sensim ad cogitationes de vita aeterna; de commercio eorum in mundo multum loquutus etc. 1749, 10 Sept.

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