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《灵界经历》 第4387节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4387

4387. What the life of understanding is

That there is a twofold life, namely of the will and of the understanding, is clear, but I realized and was instructed that the two lives are as the sun and the Moon. The feeling for goodness is the sun, the feeling for truth is the moon. Light from urges of the will pertains to goodness, light from matters of understanding pertains to the feeling for truth. The life of understanding pertains to the feeling for truth, but just as the moon cannot shine without the sun, but gets from the sun the light that it reflects, so it is also with the life of understanding - if that life is affection for truth, then the light in it is from the Lord, but if there are false principles and false convictions by which one is touched, then one has one's own sun shedding the light of understanding out of the love of self or of the world, which is at some distance away, but still eager to shine. For nothing is learned without feeling. The feeling originates from that source which is one's sun. Such is the life of understanding. 1749, 12 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4387


That life is twofold, to wit, of the will and of the understanding, is manifest; but it was perceived, and instruction given to the same effect, that these two lives are as the sun and moon; the affection of good is the sun, the affection of truth, the moon; the light from voluntary things is of good, that from intellectual things is from the affection of truth. The intellectual life is of the affection of truth, but as the moon cannot shine without the sun, but derives from the sun the light which it reflects, so also with the intellectual life; if there is the affection of truth, then there is with it light from the Lord; but if the principles and persuasions by which a man is governed are of the false then he also has his sun, from which comes his intellectual light, to wit, from the love of self and the world; which sun is somewhat distant, but still excites [the intellectual] to shine; for nothing is learned without affection; the origin of affection is thence, that is to say, from its sun. Such is the intellectual life. - 1749, September 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 4387 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4387. Quid vita intellectualis

Quod bina vita sit, nempe voluntatis et intellectus constat, sed perceptum, et instructus, quod binae vitae se habeant ut sol et Luna, affectio boni est sol, affectio veri est luna, lux ex voluntariis est boni, lux ex intellectualibus est affectionis veri: vita intellectualis est affectionis veri, sed sicut luna non potest lucere absque sole, sed habet solis lucem quam reflectat, ita quoque vita intellectualis, si est affectio veri, tunc est a Domino lux ibi, si principia falsi sunt, et persuasiones falsi, quibus afficitur homo, tunc habet solem suum, ex quo lux intellectualis, ex amore sui vel mundi, qui inde aliquantum distat, usque excitat ut luceat, nam nihil addiscitur absque affectione, affectionis origo est inde, quae est ejus sol; talis est vita intellectualis. 1749, 12 Sept.

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