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《灵界经历》 第4388节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4388

4388. About the Jews and the new Jerusalem

On several occasions I have spoken with Jews, also about the new Jerusalem and the Messiah whom they await. One of them said that when He would come, He would live forever, would be the greatest king, would lead them to the land by means of miracles, drying up all the rivers, that He would strike terror into all, that they would not accept any others than the wealthy to go with them who would hand over to them all the riches, but that they will still be among the despised; they will build there cities of palaces; they will be surrounded by angels; if anyone would step over the border, he will die; that they will live in every joy.

I asked whether they would live in harmony among themselves and one would wish the other well. He said that they will be so rich that they can do this, but he hesitated regarding harmony. I asked him where else does joy come from but from one wishing as well to the other as to himself, nor could he give any other reply than that they will live in opulence. About the Messiah he said that He will never die, He would be God. When I said that those who have died cannot come - only those who will be living at the time - then he did not know what to say. I said that in the kingdom where they are, which is eternal, they will seek after opulence, because they are destitute of all possessions, and worldly riches are worthless, they would be happy if they would obtain heavenly wealth, but not worldly; and that in this kingdom are all the Jews since Jacob's time, so it is a very great kingdom, and there they should seek their Messiah, who makes all to be rich, and whose riches are eternal. He paused, not realizing at first that he was in the other life, but when he realized it, he said he would think about this, and that the Messiah about to come ought to be in that kingdom, because He was to come from it, so they wanted to seek him.

I spoke also about their filthy Jerusalem, and said that the Messiah is king not only of the Jews, but also of the gentiles spoken of by the prophets. But they replied that this was to be understood differently, that not gentiles, but Jews [were meant, Is. 60:3, Jer. 16:19]. 1749, 14 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Jupiter, meaning Thursday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4388


I have spoken several times with the Jews, and among other things concerning the New Jerusalem and the Messiah whom they expect. They said that when he came he would live for ever, that he would be supreme king, that he would lead them to the [promised] land by miracles, that all the rivers would be dried up, and that he would strike terror into all, that they would not admit any others than the rich to go with them, who would deliver up to them all their riches and yet should be among those held in contempt; that they would build there cities of palaces and be surrounded by the angels, and that if any [stranger] should cross the border of the land, he would die; and that they would live in all manner of delight. I asked whether they would live harmoniously together, each one wishing well to another. They said they would be so rich that they could afford to do that; but they hesitated about the harmony. I then asked one of them whence there could be joy, except from one's wishing as well to another as to himself, and he could only answer, that they would live in opulence. Concerning the Messiah he said, that he would never die, [but] would be God. When I said that those who were dead could not return to the promised land, but those who should then be alive, he did not know what to say. I said [further] that they ought to seek riches in the kingdom where they [now] were, which was eternal, seeing they were there destitute of all things, and that worldly riches were of no account; that, if they should obtain heavenly riches, they would be happy, but not if they should obtain worldly wealth only; also, that in this kingdom were all the Jews who had lived from the time of Jacob, which consequently was a very great kingdom, and that they ought to seek there the Messiah who makes all rich, and whose riches are eternal. At this he hesitated, not knowing at first that he was in the other life; but when he perceived that he was, he said he would think about it, and that the Messiah to come ought to be in that kingdom, inasmuch as he was to come from thence, and that they [as a people] would therefore inquire after Him. I spoke also concerning their filthy Jerusalem, and that the Messiah was not only king of the Jews, but also of the Gentiles, concerning whom the prophets wrote. But they replied that this was to be otherwise understood, and that not the Gentiles but the Jews [were meant]. - 1749, September 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4388 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4388. De Judaeis et nova Hierosolyma

Loquutus aliquoties cum Judaeis, etiam de nova Hierosolyma, et Messia quem exspectant, dicebat [quidam], quod cum venturus, quod victurus in aeternum, futurus rex maximus, ducturus eos ad terram per miracula, exsiccando omnia flumina, terror erit omnibus, non accepturi alios quam divites secum, qui omnes divitias iis traderent, sed usque inter contemtos erunt; ibi aedificaturi urbes palatiorum, circumcincti erunt angelis, si quisquam supergrederetur limitem, quod moriturus; quod in omni gaudio victuri, quaesivi an concordes inter se forent, et unus vellet alteri bonum, dixit, quod tam divites futuri, ut possint id facere; sed haesitabat de concordia; quaesivi unde gaudium nisi inde, ut unus alteri velit tam bene quam sibi, nec potuit aliter respondere, quam quod victuri in opulentia. De Messia dixit, quod nusquam moriturus, foret Deus: cum dixi, quod ii non possint venire qui mortui, solum qui tunc victuri, tunc nesciebat quid diceret; dixi, quod in regno ubi sunt, quod aeternum, quaesituri opulentias, quia omnibus destituti ibi, et divitiae mundanae nihili sunt, si opulentias coelestes nanciscerentur, quod felices forent, at mundanas non: et quod in hoc regno sint omnes Judaei qui a Jacobi tempore, ita maximum regnum, ibi debent quaerere suum Messiam, qui omnes divites facit, et cujus divitiae sunt aeternae; haesitabat, prius nesciens quod in altera vita esset, sed cum hoc perciperet, dicebat se cogitaturum de hoc, et quod Messias venturus in illo regno esse debeat, quia inde venturus, quare ipsum inquirere vellent; loquutus etiam de spurca eorum Hierosolyma; et quod Messias non solum Judaeorum rex sit sed etiam gentium, de quibus prophetae, sed regerebant, quod hoc aliter intelligendum, non quod gentes sed quod Judaei. 1749, 14 Sept.

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