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《灵界经历》 第4389节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4389

4389. About outer restraints

How man is ruled by the Lord by means of outer restraints has been shown in many ways, as when something did not turn out favorably, reasons would occur concerned with profit, honor, reputation, fear of the law or of death; but when it did turn out, no such reasons occurred. Then the delight itself, the pleasure and passion increased, so that those cares were not thought about, and so that love took them away and caused them not to be entertained. This happened very many times, showing me how mankind is controlled by the Lord by means of outer restraints: one is carried away by passion, then everything unfavorable is wiped away; also [how one is ruled] when there are other restraints, or other passions. 1749, 15 Sept. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4389


In what manner man is ruled by the Lord by external bonds, was shown in a variety of ways; [as for instance] when anything was forborne to be done, then forthwith reasons occurred [against it] drawn from gain, honor, fame, fear of the law, and fear of death; but when it was done, the case was different; then the delight of the thing, pleasure, and cupidity were increased, so that there was no thought of the above objections, the love carrying [the man] away and causing that he should not think of them. This was the case with very many; from which it was plain how man is governed by the Lord by external bonds; cupidity carries him away, then those things which dissuade are blotted from the memory, that is to say, when there are other bonds or other cupidities. - 1749, September 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 4389 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4389. De vinculis externis

Quomodo homo per externa vincula regatur a Domino, multis est ostensum, cum aliquid non fieret, illico obvenerunt causae ex lucro, honore, fama, timore legis, mortis, at cum fieret, non ita, ipsa jucunditas, voluptas, cupiditas, augebatur tunc, ut non cogitaretur de illis, sic ut amor auferret, et faceret ut non de iis cogitaretur; ita quampluries, ex quibus constabat quomodo homo per externa vincula a Domino regitur, cupiditas eum aufert, tunc obliterantur illa quae dissuadent, tum [quomodo] cum alia vincula, seu aliae cupiditates. 1749, 15 Sept.

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