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《灵界经历》 第440节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 440

440. About persons who are worshipped as saints, and as gods and goddesses

Throughout the night, both at waking moments and in sleep, portrayals of people were exhibited to me who are worshipped as saints and gods - even the gods and goddesses of the ancients are still pictured, such as Venus, Diana, Phoebus, Jupiter, and indeed each in their own particular attire - Venus in a beautiful garment, Phoebus with a body having shining yellow skin, and so on. But whether these persons are only fantasies, and continue to exist in fantasies, or whether some spirits put themselves forth as the same, is not quite clear. Some believe they are these deities, and so present themselves - Jupiter, with an unceasing, lightening-like power that is indescribable because it cannot be conceived of, by which all are driven away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 440


During the whole night, both when awake and asleep, representations were shown me of those who are worshipped as saints and gods. The gods and goddesses of the ancients are still represented, as Venus, Diana, Phoebus, Jupiter, and indeed each in his or her own peculiar attire - Venus in most comely vesture, Phoebus with a yellow-skinned body, and so on; but whether these are only phantasies, and they remain in these phantasies, or whether some spirits present themselves in their stead, cannot be sufficiently confirmed. Some suppose themselves to be [those deities], and so present themselves. Jupiter was represented with a continuous power, as it were, of lightning, which cannot be described because it cannot be conceived, by which all are driven away.

Experientiae Spirituales 440 (original Latin 1748-1764)

440. De hominibus qui pro sanctis et diis deabusque coluntur

Per totam noctem tam in vigilia quam in somno, exhibitae mihi sunt repraesentationes eorum, qui pro sanctis et diis coluntur, veterum dii deaeque adhuc quidem repraesentantur, sicut Venus, Diana, Phoebus, Jupiter, et quidem singuli peculiari habitu, Venus formosa veste, Phoebus cuticulari corpore flavo, et sic porro, sed an hae solum phantasiae sint, seu in phantasiis maneant, vel an aliqui se pro iis offerant, non satis constare potest. Quidam putant se esse, et sic se praesentant, Jupiter 1

cum continua vi quasi fulminea, quae non describi potest, quia non concipi, qua omnes abiguntur.


1. The Manuscript has praesentant; Jupiter

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