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《灵界经历》 第4399节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4399

4399. Spirits and angels reside in human feelings

By experiences I have been instructed that good spirits and angels are not only present with human beings, but even reside in their feelings. For every feeling has great extension, and because the ultimate plane is with human beings in their feelings, therefore this happens when the Lord enlivens, and then arranges them; just as good spirits are in the affection for gardening, where they have little abodes [4142].

But there are two kinds of feelings, for truth and for goodness, or for understanding and for willing. Feeling for truth regards form, feeling for goodness regards essence. When one delights in praises of his wife, it is a feeling regarding form; the marriage love itself is a feeling regarding essence, from which and on account of which the feeling for form exists, to the extent that the feeling for goodness is in the feeling for truth. These are experiential matters, about which it was granted me to converse with angels.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4399


I have been instructed by experience, that good spirits and angels are not only present with man, but that they also dwell in his affections; for each single affection is of great extension, and because the ultimate plane with man is in his affections, therefore this takes place when the Lord vivifies and thus arranges the affections; as, for instance, good spirits are in the affection of gardening, in which they fix, as it were, their dwelling places. But there are two kinds of affections; that of truth and that of good, or that of the understanding and that of the will; the affection of truth is the formal, and the affection of good the essential; he who delights in the praises of his wife is an instance of formal affection, while conjugial love itself is the essential affection, from which and on account of which is the formal, just as [the affection] of good is in the affection of truth. These things from experience, concerning which it was given me to have conversations with the angels.

Experientiae Spirituales 4399 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4399. Quod spiritus et angeli habitent in affectionibus hominis

Per experientias instructus sum, quod spiritus boni et angeli non solum adsint apud hominem, sed etiam habitent in ejus affectionibus, unaquaevis enim affectio est multae extensionis, et quia planum ultimum est apud hominem in ejus affectionibus, ideo hoc fit, cum Dominus affectiones vivificat et sic ordinat; sicut quod spiritus boni in affectione hortulana, ubi habitacula [4142] . Sed affectionum bina genera sunt, veri boni, seu intellectus voluntatis, affectio veri est formalis, affectio boni est essentialis: sicut qui delectatur in laudibus suae uxoris, est affectio formalis; ipse amor conjugialis est affectio essentialis, ex qua propter quam formalis, sicut est boni in affectione veri. Haec ab experientia, de quibus cum angelis sermones habere datum.

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