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《灵界经历》 第4401节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4401

4401. About the gentiles

There are gentiles who had heard in the life of the body that Christians led the very worst life, in adulteries, quarrels, hatreds, drunkenness, at which they were horrified because such things are against their laws and customs and religious principles. These in the other life are more timid than the rest about accepting the truths of faith because they retain a fear and a kind of horror for Christians so-called, so they are instructed by angels that indeed there are many such, and they are also taught by experience, also that there are others - even though there are few who are not such - and that the Christian doctrine dictates something quite different. Then they accept the truths of faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4401

4401. There are Gentiles who had heard, in the life of the body, concerning Christians, that they led a very evil life, in adulteries, quarrels, hatreds, and drunkenness, and who then had a horror of them, because such things were against their laws and manners and their religious principle. Such, in the other life, are more timid than others about receiving the truths of faith, because they retain that fear, and a certain species of horror against Christians so called. Wherefore they are instructed by the angels, that there are very many such, and they are moreover instructed by experience, that there are others, though few, who are not such, and that the Christian doctrine dictates quite the contrary [life]. They then receive the truths of faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 4401 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4401. De gentibus

Sunt gentes quae in vita corporis audiverunt de Christianis, quod pessimam vitam egerunt, in adulteriis, in rixis, odiis, ebrietate, quos tunc horruerunt, quia talia contra eorum leges et mores ac religiosum fuerunt, ii in altera vita timidiores reliquis sunt recipiendi vera fidei, quia retinent timorem et quandam speciem horroris contra Christianos ita dictos, quare instruuntur ab angelis, quod tales sint perplures, et experientia quoque instruuntur, tum quod alii sint, tametsi pauci qui non tales, et quod doctrina christiana prorsus aliud dictet, tunc recipiunt vera fidei.

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