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《灵界经历》 第4408节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4408

4408. About marriage love

I spoke with angels about marriage love, or that which exists between two partners who love each other, saying that it is the deepest of all loves, and that it is such that the partner sees the other partner in his or her spirit and mind, so that each partner has the other in himself or herself, that is, the image, indeed the likeness of the husband is in the mind of the wife, and the image and likeness of the wife is in the mind of the husband, so that the one sees the other in himself or herself, and so in their innermosts they dwell together. This was portrayed in angelic mental imagery, which cannot be expressed in words.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4408


I also spoke with the angels concerning conjugial love, or that which exists between two conjugial partners who love one another, that it is the inmost of all loves, and such that partner sees partner in mind [animus] and mind [mens], so that each partner has the other in himself or herself, that is, that the image, nay, the likeness of the husband is in the mind of the wife and the image and likeness of the wife is in the mind of the husband, so that one sees the other in himself, and they thus cohabit in their inmosts. This was represented by angelic ideas which cannot be expressed by angelic ideas which cannot be expressed by words.

Experientiae Spirituales 4408 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4408. De amore conjugiali

Loquutus cum angelis de amore conjugiali, seu inter binos conjuges qui se amant, quod sit omnium amorum intimus, et quod sit talis, quod conjux videat conjugem in suo animo et in sua mente, sic ut conjux utrinque habeat alterum seu alteram in se, hoc est, quod imago imo similitudo mariti sit in mente uxoris, et imago et similitudo uxoris sit in mente mariti, sic ut unus videat alterum in se, et in intimis suis ita cohabitant, hoc repraesentatum est ideis angelicis, quae non exprimi verbis possunt.

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