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《灵界经历》 第4409节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4409

4409. Also portrayed was the love of lewdness as an outer love that does not enter into the mind, but remains on the outside, and it was implied that such love is for the most part confused with marriage love, when yet it is the love of lasciviousness, such as also exists between a husband and many wives. In that kind of a matrimony there can never be marriage love, as there cannot with those who love others outside of marriage. For marriage love is such that it does not even entertain the thought of any other - indeed, it shudders at the thought - but that in true marriage love resides the innermost depth of conscience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4409

4409. The love of lasciviousness was also represented as external, and not entering the mind [mens] but remaining in externals, and it was insinuated, that such love is for the most part confounded with conjugial love, when yet, it is the love of lasciviousness. Of this kind also is the love between a husband and several wives, in a marriage of which kind there never can be conjugial love, as also neither with those who love others extraconjugially; for conjugial love is such, that the husband does not admit even a thought concerning any other woman, nay, abhors it, since in love truly conjugial, the inmost is a principle of conscience.

Experientiae Spirituales 4409 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4409. Repraesentatus etiam est amor lasciviae, sicut externus, qui non intrat in mentem, manet in externis, et insinuatum quod talis amor utplurimum confundatur cum amore conjugiali, cum tamen est lasciviae; qualis etiam est inter maritum et plures uxores, in tali matrimonio nusquam amor conjugialis esse potest, tum apud eos qui alios amant extra conjugium; nam amor conjugialis est talis ut ne quidem cogitationem admittat de aliqua alia, imo abhorreat; at quod in amore vero conjugiali sit intimum conscientiae.

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