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《灵界经历》 第4410节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4410

4410. About the Memory

To a certain one who was indignant that he could not remember the things that had passed in the life of his body, and thus could not speak from the memory of the body, the reply was given that he is able to think much more, and much better, than he could in the life of the body, and better understand all things down to the very least that occur in the other life. For things in the world have been left behind, and he is now in the other life, where he has whatever is required for use in the other life; and human beings are such that they have and receive all things they need to lead and enjoy the life in which they are - and so also in this case.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4410


A certain spirit was indignant that he did not remember those things which he knew in the life of the body, that so he might be able to speak from the memory of the body; but it was replied to him, that it was enough that he could think much more and much better than in the life of the body, and better understand all and singular the things which present themselves in the other life; for that those things which are in the world had been left behind by him, and that now he was in another life, where he had everything requisite for its use; for that man is such, that he has and receives all things necessary to live and enjoy the life in which he actually is, and so also in these things.

Experientiae Spirituales 4410 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4410. De Memoria

Dictum cuidam qui indignatus quod non meminisset eorum quae in vita corporis, et sic ex memoria corporis loqui posset, sed responsum est, quod satis sit, quod possit multo plus cogitare, et multo melius, quam in vita corporis, et omnia et singula melius intelligere, quae obveniunt in altera vita, nam quae in mundo sunt, relicta sunt, et nunc in altera vita est, ubi quicquid ad usum alterius vitae requiritur habet, homo enim talis est, ut omnia habeat et accipiat ad vitam, in qua est, vivendam et fruendam, et ita quoque in his.

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