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《灵界经历》 第443节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 443

443. Moreover, of people who were worshipped as saints and thus as gods, only three kinds were depicted to me: namely, those who turned away from that worship, and were among angels and under their protection; then, those who did not want to be among the gods and be worshiped as gods, but nevertheless retain some of the dregs, even though they repudiate it with the mouth. The third kind is profane, accepting that kind of worship and wanting to be acknowledged as gods. They are miserable, silly and stupid. 1748, the 3rd day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 443

443. Moreover, of the men who were worshipped as saints and thus as gods, three kinds only were represented to me. Namely, there were those who are averse to that worship, who were among the angels and guarded by them. Then there are those who do not wish to be among the gods and to be worshipped as gods, but who still retain something of the outward appearance although they repudiate it with the mouth. The third kind are the profane who receive such worship and want to be acknowledged as saints and gods. They are miserable, infatuated and stupid. 1748, Jan. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 443 (original Latin 1748-1764)

443. Praeterea homines, qui pro sanctis et sic dii colebantur, modo triplicis generis mihi repraesentati 2

sunt qui nempe aversarentur cultum istum, essentque inte angelos, ab iis custoditi; tum qui non vellent esse inter deos 3

et coli pro diis, verum usque aliquid retinent ex faece 4

tametsi oretenus id repudiant. Tertium genus est prophanum, quod recipit talem cultum, et pro iis se agnosci volunt, sunt miserabiles, fatui ac stulti. 1748, die 3 Jan.

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