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《灵界经历》 第4445节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4445

4445. I was further informed how the matter stands in regard to mental imagery, namely that those mental images remain with a person, together with conviction, that are from that person, not so much those that are from others. Even if some authority impresses him or her with them, still, before people have formed mental imagery for themselves on their own, it does not so much stay with them, and convince them. Then the love of self comes into play, and a looking into oneself, and then mental imagery from others is implanted, Insofar as one acts from oneself, so far it remains, and so far it convinces, but not insofar as it is from others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4445

4445. Moreover, I was informed how the case is with ideas, namely, that those ideas remain with a man and persuade him, which are from himself, not so those which are from others. Although there may be an authority which [in some degree] impresses the ideas of others, still, before the man has formed ideas for himself from himself, they do not actually inhere nor persuade. After this there comes the love of self and selfish ends, and thus ideas from others are implanted. So much as anyone has from himself, so much remains with him and persuades, but not so much as is from others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4445 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4445. Praeterea informatus quomodo se habet cum ideis, quod illae ideae remaneant apud hominem, et persuadeant, quae ex semet sunt, non ita quae ab aliis, tametsi auctoritas sit quae imprimit, usque tamen antequam ille ipsi sibi ideas formaverit ex se, non ita inhaerent, nec ita persuadent, tunc accedit sui amor, et intuitio sui, et sic implantantur ideae ex aliis; quantum quisque a semet, tantum remanet, et tantum persuadet, non ita quantum ex aliis.

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