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《灵界经历》 第4446节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4446

4446. Aristotle formed his philosophical system in a natural order, by analyzing his own thought and by the thinking process in himself, which system he then described. Thus he first obtained a mental image of his thought, and from it formed his philosophical system in his customary manner, in order to describe it, and so to speak paint it, for others.

But his followers went about it in an upside down order, from scholastics, such as they call logic and metaphysics, in general philosophy, in order to obtain mental imagery concerning thought. Because this is an upside down order, they are always casting themselves into stupidity and darkness concerning inward qualities, while Aristotle advances into light. To obtain mental imagery concerning the inward qualities of the mind from mere terms, and the like, is to plunge into utter darkness. This is why they believe nothing about inner qualities, the learned even less than the uneducated.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4446

4446. Aristotle formed his philosophical system in the natural order, that is to say, from the analysis of his own thought and the like in himself, which he so described. Thus he had first an idea of his own thought, and thence formed a philosophical system in his own manner, that he might describe, and, as it were, paint it to others; but his followers proceed in inverse order, viz., from such scholastical things as they call logic, and metaphysics, and philosophy in general, onward to the acquisition of ideas concerning thought. But inasmuch as this is inverted order, they are always casting themselves into stupidity or darkness concerning interior things, while Aristotle himself advanced into light. To seek for ideas concerning the interiors of the mind from terms and such things is to plunge into utter darkness. Hence it is that most men believe nothing concerning internal things, and the learned less than the unlearned.

Experientiae Spirituales 4446 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4446. Aristoteles formavit philosophica ordine naturali, ex cogitationis ejus analysi et simili in se, quae ita descripsit, ita habuit ideam suae cogitationis prius, et inde formavit philosophica suo more, ut describeret ea coram aliis, et quasi depingeret; at ejus sectatores, inverso ordine, a talibus seu scholasticis, quae vocant logica et metaphysica, in genere philosophica, ut capiant ideas de cogitatione, hoc quia est inversus ordo, semper se in stuporem et tenebras de interioribus conjiciunt; Aristoteles vero in lucem; captare ideas de interioribus mentis ex terminis et talibus, est prorsus obtenebrare, inde est quod nihil credant de internis, eruditi minus quam ineruditi.

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