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《灵界经历》 第4448节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4448

4448. On the hells of the Nephilim of this age, properly of the Sirens

Sirens were with me for a whole year, having a most filthy and profane medium. They were like those described now and then [see 3713]. In the world they had been most highly regarded for their superficial manners and customs, and for their talents, as they are called, more highly esteemed than all others - sirens, who are inwardly entirely most filthy Nephilim, inward female magicians, and adulteresses beyond all others, considering wicked and most abominable adulteries as nothing, constantly laboring not only to destroy the conscience, and not only to kill the body, but also to burn up the soul in the lowest hell. In short, in the medium was focused the profane hell itself, as it is in other cases of this kind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4448


Certain sirens were with me for a whole year, who had at their command a most filthy and profane subject. They who have been such in this life as to become sirens hereafter, are every where spoken of or described in the world as most estimable, as to all kinds of external decorum, and [polished] manners, and what are termed intellectual endowments. Preeminent in this class are the sirens who properly rank among the Nephilim [giants], having most filthy interiors, being given to magic and adulteries beyond all others. They esteem as nothing the most impious and abominable adulteries, laboring continually to destroy not only the conscience, but the body also, and even burning to bring down the soul to the lowest hell. In a word their profane hell itself was concentrated in their subject; so also in others of this kind.

Experientiae Spirituales 4448 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4448. De inferno Nephilim hujus temporis, proprie Sirenum

Sirenes per integrum annum apud me fuerunt, habuerunt spurcissimum et prophanum subjectum, quae tales fuerunt [ut] passim descriptae [vide 3713], in mundo, quoad externa decora aestimatissimae, tum quoad externos mores, et ingenia ut vocantur, prae omnibus aliis aestimatissimae, sirenes quae sunt proprie Nephilim intus spurcissimae, magicae interiores, et adulterae prae omnibus aliis, nefanda et abominabilissima adulteriorum pro nihilo aestimantes, continue adlaborantes non solum conscientiam destruere, sed etiam occidere corpus non solum, sed flagrare animam ad profundissimum infernum; verbo in subjecto erat ipsum infernum prophanum concentratum, ita in caeteris hujus sortis.

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