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《灵界经历》 第4450节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4450

4450. It would be too much to tell how they mingle holy things with profane ones, for it has been granted me to observe those things for entire years. They care not at all whether they are holy or profane, just so they can use them as means to enable them to allure souls and good spirits, and then to destroy them. They seize upon any means whatever, and then cling to them with persuasive thought, and they call out affectionately, and this with remarkable variation according to the character of those whom they are enticing and then recognize, and thus entice to themselves in many diverse ways. Indeed, they entice not only the grosser spirits, but also the more refined ones, until finally, as was shown, they would be able so to treat little children - which was only shown as a matter of knowledge.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4450

4450. It would be tedious to relate how they mix holy with profane things, for it was given me to apperceive such things for a whole year. They never care whether things be holy or profane, provided they can only use them as means to allure sincere souls and spirits for the sake of destroying them. They lay hold of all kinds of things in their minds, and then inhere in them with persuasive thought thence derived; and this with a wonderful discrimination according to the geniuses of those whom they allure, which they then perceive, and thus win them over to themselves and this with the utmost diversity of method. They thus pervert not only the grosser spirits, but also the more subtle, to such an extent, that they would be able, as was shown, to mislead infants; it was only shown me, however, that they knew how to do this.

Experientiae Spirituales 4450 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4450. Ut diceretur quomodo sancta prophanis misceant prolixum foret, nam per integros annos talia appercipere datum, nihil usquam curant sive sancta sint sive prophana, modo iis ut mediis uti possint ad alliciendum animas et spiritus bonos, et sic eos perdendi [causa] , arripiunt quaecunque, et dein inhaerent iis cogitatione persuasiva, et cum affectione inde exclamant et hoc cum variatione mirabili secundum genios illorum quos alliciunt et tunc percipiunt, et sic pelliciunt ad se, et hoc cum multa diversitate, imo non solum spiritus crassiores, sed etiam subtiliores, usque tandem, ut ostensum, quod potuissent infantes, quod ut scirent, solum ostensum est.

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