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《灵界经历》 第4451节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4451

4451. To recount every experience would fill many pages. They are punished most severely, and repeatedly, but they elude the punishments either magically or by filthy means, then changing themselves by fantasies into various forms, and into many such. Several times they escaped, several times were unable to do so. Thus they were punished most severely of all by contortions of the bones and flesh and more, also by fantasies, but when they returned, they still had become no better, but worse, for they had devised even more dreadful, disgraceful tricks, to relate all of which would be to write a whole book. They are the experiences of an entire year.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4451

4451. To relate all my experience with regard to them, would be to fill many pages. They are punished very grievously and frequently, but they elude punishments either by magical or by filthy means, turning themselves into various things by phantasies. As they have many such devices, they sometimes escaped, but sometimes could not; they were thus punished most grievously, especially with contortions as to the bones and flesh, and other parts of the body, also by phantasies, but still, when they returned, they were not made better but worse, and contrived yet more dire enormities. To relate all these things particularly would be to write a whole book. They are the experiences of almost a whole year.

Experientiae Spirituales 4451 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4451. Omnem experientiam referre, foret multas paginas implere: puniuntur gravissime, et multoties, sed punitiones vel eludunt magice vel spurce, se tunc in varia per phantasias convertendo, et in multa talia, aliquoties eluserunt, aliquoties non potuerunt, ita puniti gravissime omnium contorsionibus quoad ossa et carnem et plura etiam quoad phantasias, sed cum redierunt usque non meliores factae sed pejores, nam diriora flagitia machinatae sunt; in specie omnia illa referre, foret integrum librum scribere; sunt paene unius anni experientiae.

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