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《灵界经历》 第4474节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4474

4474. She everywhere perverted the aura, and filled it with bodily qualities. Wherever she poured forth her bodily qualities, the aura at once appeared as full of people in the body, even everyone's gait differed from that of spirits. So she continually descended into the physical elements, thus toward hell, being brought down gradually at the back, farther and farther, punished severely and for a long time. Afterwards she escaped the punishers, and yet continually pressed on, although in decreasing measure. I do not doubt but that the same process takes place with other sirens, with a difference.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4474

4474. She everywhere perverted the sphere, and filled it with corporeal things. Wherever she spread her corporeal phantasies the sphere forthwith appeared as [one] of corporeal men in the body, and everyone's walk different from that of spirits. She thus continually descended into corporeal things, that is, into hell. She was conveyed downward, behind, by degrees farther and farther, and was punished at times grievously and long. Afterwards she eluded the punishing spirits, and continued to ply her arts upon me but in decreasing measure. I doubt not that the case is the same with other sirens with a difference.

Experientiae Spirituales 4474 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4474. Pervertebat ubivis sphaeram, et implebat sphaeram corporeis, ubi illa spargebat sua corporea, apparebat illico sphaera sicut hominum corporeorum, etiam gressus cujusvis differentes a spirituum, ita continue descendit in corporea, ita ad infernum, delata est per gradus a tergo longius et longius, punita graviter et diu, postea elusit punitores, et continue usque instabat, sed per decrescentiam - non dubito quin etiam similiter fiat cum aliis sirenibus cum differentia.

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