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《灵界经历》 第450节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 450

450. Today while awake, I also learned how these matters stand. As for the pictorial speech of the angels, anything whatever that is encountered is taken as an object, whether it be an affection, or an insight, or anything of that order; and by means of these, delicate displays are created. So the objects are realities apart from objects of the senses: such as an affection, an insight, a color. These objects then arrange themselves according to the subjects being thought about. It is due to this, then, that the heavens have communication [with mankind].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 450

450. Today, in a state of wakefulness, I also learnt how the case is with regard to those things which relate to the representative speech of the angels. Whatever occurs is assumed as an object, whether it be affection, or understanding, or anything similar, and by means of such objects subtle representations are made; thus the objects [represented] are things abstracted from the objects of the senses, as are affection, understanding, and color; these are afterwards circumstanced according to those things which are turned over in the mind. The heavens now have communication thereby.

Experientiae Spirituales 450 (original Latin 1748-1764)

450. In vigilia hodie quoque didici, quomodo haec se habent: quod ad loquelam repraesentativam angelorum assumitur pro objecto, quodcunque obvenit, sicut aut affectio, aut intellectus, aut simile quid, et per ea fiunt repraesentationes subtiles, ita objecta sunt res abstractae ab objectis sensuum: sicut est affectio, intellectus, color, quae se habent postea secundum ea, quae volvuntur, inde nunc coeli habent communicationem.

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