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《灵界经历》 第4500节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4500

4500. About the wicked acts that are committed in the world by those who are nevertheless highly esteemed by others


A medium of the Sirens, spoken of earlier [4496], who had learned around 14 magical arts, and had practiced adulteries by means of magic, which were discovered to have numbered almost one hundred cases, in the other life made herself into a profane hell. She was also finally discovered by the fact that she was in hell, being tormented there by infernal spirits, and then her jaws were forced apart, and a dreadful, fiery something flew in, by which she was tormented, and after that she was told she should keep away from that place. She was made a more subtle spirit, and fled far to the rear, but later, as before, she tried to commit wicked and profane deeds. Then a little child's bed was seen on top of a pile, probably of people, and it was found out that since she was unmarried, when she gave birth to an infant, she cast it into a furnace;

[2] and then, that she caused two maidservants to perish by throwing them over a bridge into the river, because they knew something about the matter, one of them having confessed it to a certain priest; and that she had also schemed in her thought how they might perish so as not to rise again, by profane utterances as well as other profanities written on holy paper, and thus adulterated. Also seen was a certain other profane thing, of which I do not know the meaning. She was able to think up a meaning for everything that came along - in the other life, more than others, and this by secret arts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4500


The subject of the sirens concerning whom [it was related] above that she had learned magical arts to the number of about fourteen, and had practiced adulteries by magical means, which were also detected to the number of almost a hundred, made herself in the other life infernally profane. This was at length detected by the fact that she was in [a certain] hell, and there tormented by the infernals, and that her jaws and throat were forced asunder and a baleful fiery something flowed in whereby she was tormented, and it was afterwards said to her, that she should abstain from [entering] that place. She became a more subtle spirit and fled far to the rear; but afterwards as before attempted impious and profane things; there was then seen the couch of an infant upon a heap, perchance of men, and it was detected [of her] that, while unmarried, she had brought forth an infant and had cast it into a furnace, and that afterwards she compassed the destruction of two maid-servants, by throwing them over a bridge into the river; these knew something concerning the [deed], and one of them confessed it to a certain priest. [It was also discovered] that she had plotted in thought how by profane arts she might destroy them in the other life, so that they should not rise again, besides other profane things written on holy paper and then adulterated; there was also seen a certain other profane [something] which I do not know the meaning of. She was able to divine [the meaning of] everything that at occurred, and [to see] more in the other life than others, and this by hidden arts.

Experientiae Spirituales 4500 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4500. De nefandis quae committuntur in mundo ab iis qui usque aestimantur ab aliis


Subjectum Sirenum, de quo prius [4496], quod didicerit magicas artes circiter 14 exercuerat per magica adulteria, quae etiam detecta paene centum, in altera vita se fecit prophanum infernum, tandem detecta quoque per id quod in inferno erat ibi cruciata ab infernalibus tunc ejus guttura diducebantur dirum igneum quid involabat quo cruciabatur postea dictum ei quod abstineret ab hoc loco, facta spiritus subtilior fugit tergum longe, sed postea sicut prius nefanda prophana tentata tunc visa lectica infantis, super cumulo fortassis hominum detectum quod cum non maritata pepererit infantem eum projecerit in fornacem; dein quod binas ancillas perire fecerit per projectionem super ponte in flumen, quae aliquid noverunt de eo, quarum una confessa est id cuidam sacerdoti; quod etiam machinata cogitatione quomodo perirent in altera vita quod non resurgerent, per prophana, praeter alia prophana, scripta sanctae chartae, ac ita adulterata, visum etiam est quoddam aliud prophanum, quod non scio quid significat. Potuit illa excogitare quicquid obvenit, in altera vita plura quam aliae hoc arcanis artibus.

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