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《灵界经历》 第4496节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4496

4496. About a profane woman, magical arts, and magical hells

That female magician and adulteress spoken of earlier [4468, 4473 ff.], who had annoyed me almost a half year with profanities, about whom many things could be written and many pages could be filled, at length lost a part of her communication with spirits, and was turned downward toward the front, almost beyond the desert of the robbers, and then toiled her way away from me around my head for some time, with a sound like a prolonged whistling, which was her way of communicating with the sides of my head. This routine she carried out for some time, from an art she had learned and practiced in the world. But then she was carried down toward the first hell of female magicians, which lies just beyond the desert of robbers, not deep down, but at a certain level, where those women were who had practiced magical arts in the life of the body, and now she attached herself with many parts of my face, and of my mouth, and other parts, also of my head, and this lasted the whole night.

[2] I awoke from time to time, then, and later on, even to the point where I felt myself bound by outside mental imagery and by her almost constant presence there, and later it was disclosed what she had done in the world, namely, that she had learned magical arts from a certain old woman, to whom she had gave money, so that she would be able to entice any man she pleased to adulteries, which she also practiced on the partner in adultery by looking into the right side of his face, into various parts, and muttering to herself magical formulas, which she had also practiced in her own adulteries. A certain one [of her victims] confessed before a priest, saying that he had often heard wicked things from her, commenting in his confession that he was astonished how suddenly he had been inflamed with sexual frenzy. This was disclosed, and on examination she was found to have been skilled in 14 arts of this kind that were magical, when yet scarcely anyone in her bodily life was aware of this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4496


That magical and adulterous one, concerning whom above, who had infested me with her profanations almost a half year, concerning whom much might be written - sufficient indeed to fill many pages - at length lost a part of her communication with spirits, and was conveyed nearly in front beyond the desert of the robbers, and there rose up near me about my head for some time a continuous something with a kind of whisper, the effect of her communication with one side of my head; this she persisted in for a long time, from an art which she knew in the world and practiced [there]. But she was then conveyed downward to the first hell of the magicians, which is proximately beyond the desert of the robbers, not in the depth, but in a certain plane, where are those of both sexes who practiced magical things in the life of the body. She then, for a whole night, so tied or interlocked herself with several parts of my face, as the mouth and so forth, and also of the head [that I was strangely affected]. On waking up from time to time, I felt myself bound as to external ideas, and perceived her almost continual presence there. It was afterwards made known what she had done in the world [namely], that she had learned magical things from a certain one whom she had paid [to teach her how] she might be able to allure to adulteries anyone whom she pleased, and that she had practiced this upon a partner in adultery, by looking on the right side of his face, and various [other] parts, and by muttering magical [formulae] to herself. This she had practiced in her adulteries, and a certain one [of her paramours] confessed it before a priest - who said that he had often heard such abominable things from herself - remarking in his confession, that he was astonished at his burning so suddenly with venereal ardor. This was detected, and being inspected, she was found to be skilled in fourteen arts of this kind, which were magical, when yet scarce anyone in the life of the body was aware of this.

Experientiae Spirituales 4496 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4496. De prophana, magicis, et infernis magicis

Magica illa et adultera de qua prius [4468, 4473 ff.], quae me paene dimidium annum vexaverat, prophanitatibus, de qua plura scribi possent, et impleri multae paginae, tandem amisit partem communicationis cum spiritibus, et diverta antrorsum fere ultra desertum latronum, et tunc exsudavit a me circum caput per aliquod temporis, cum sibilo quasi continuum quid, quod erat communicativum ejus, cum partibus capitis mei, quae patravit diu, ex arte quam novit in mundo, et exercuit, sed tunc delata est ad primum infernum magicarum, quod est proxime ultra desertum latronum, sed non in profundo, in plano quodam, ubi illae quae magica exercuerunt in vita corporis, et tunc ea per integram noctem iterum colligavit se cum pluribus partibus faciei meae, ut oris et plurium, tum capitis, et hoc perstabat tota nocte, evigilatus quandoque, tunc, et porro, usque ut sentirem me quoad externas ideas ligatum, et ejus praesentiam ibi paene continuam, postea evulgatum quod in mundo fecit, quod magica didicerit ab anu quadam, cui dederat pecunias, ut quemcunque vellet, posset allicere ad adulteria, quod etiam exercuerat utri adulterato, inspiciendo in dextram partem ejus faciei, in varias partes, et in se blaterando magica, quod etiam in adulteriis suis exercuerat, et quidam coram sacerdote confessus, qui saepe dixit quod nefanda ab illa audiverat, quae confessus ille, et obstupuerit, quod tam subito flagraverit oestro venereo; hoc detectum, et inspecta quoque 14 tales artes calluit, quae magicae essent, cum tamen vix aliquis in vita corporis hoc novit.

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