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《灵界经历》 第4502节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4502

4502. That medium of the sirens, or profane hell, was cast into various hells, toward the front, toward the side there, under the feet where the entrance opened up like that of a huge furnace stretching into the depth, toward the left here and there. But still after several torments she escaped, eluding them for the most part by her own deceptive and magical devices, even to the point of imagining she could conquer the hells. Where those worst ones had been seen, she later devised a way to allure them to herself, so as to make use of their aid. From her also emanated a bodily aura, causing her speech to be like it had been in the world. This aura filled those in the vicinity, and they seemed to pace as they went away, a sign of their connection with me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4502

4502. That subject of the sirens, or [the one who had made herself] the infernal profane was cast into various hells in front, to the side there, under the feet, where there lay open the entrance as of a great furnace tending into the deep to the left hither and thither, but still after some torments she escaped, eluding them for the most part by her deceitful and magical incantations, to such an extent, that she thought herself able to conquer the hells. Wherever they seemed the worst, she afterwards plotted to allure them to herself, that she might have their assistance. From her also there proceeded a corporeal sphere, whence her speech was similar to what it had been in the world, which sphere filled those in the vicinity, and they seemed to walk with a stately gait when they departed, - a sign of their conjunction with me.

Experientiae Spirituales 4502 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4502. Subjectum illud sirenum seu infernum prophanum, conjecta fuit in varia inferna, antrorsum, ad latus ibi, sub pedibus ubi introitus patuit sicut magnae fornacis tendentis in profundum, ad sinistrum hic et ibi, sed usque post aliquos cruciatus evasit, plerumque suis dolosis et magicis machinationibus elusit, usque ut putaret se vincere posse inferna; ubi pessimi illi visi, eos postea ad se allicere machinata, ut eorum ope uteretur; ex ea quoque prodibat sphaera corporea, inde loquutio sicut ejus in mundo, quae sphaera implebat vicinos, et gradiri 1

videbantur cum abirent, signum conjunctionis eorum mecum.


1. = gradi

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