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《灵界经历》 第4503节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4503

4503. Finally it was seen how she ended up: a skeleton was lifted up out of the abyss, not as a skeleton, but one from which not only the flesh but also the bones had gone off in threads, thus in a long string, so that there was nothing but a foul thread-like shred. This was lifted up in front of me, above me, and I realized that [although] she also had been such in her time, and been made to be such in hell, something of life still remained, and was seen. It was also shown that she had then been eaten up by worms of various kinds, which worms were seen in great number.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4503

4503. It was at length seen what her end was; there was raised up from the depth, a skeleton, which was not like a common skeleton, but one in which not only the flesh but the bones also had wasted into threads, and thus in a long series, so that it was nothing but an object of this kind, mangled, filamentous, and foul. This was elevated before me, above my head, and it was apperceived that she had been such in her time, and had become such in hell; [although it was apperceived also] that there was still something of life left. It was then shown that she was reduced to this state by worms of various kinds, which worms were also seen in vast numbers.

Experientiae Spirituales 4503 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4503. Tandem visum qualis exitus, ex profundo elevabatur sceleton, non ut sceleton, sed ubi non modo caro sed etiam ossa abiverant in fila, et sic longa serie, sic ut non esset nisi tale lacerum filamentosum sordidum, hoc elevabatur ante me, super me, et apperceptum quod illa etiam talis fuerit suo tempore, ac ita in inferno facta, quod usque aliquid vitae superesset, et apperceptum: tum ostendebatur quod sic exesa fuerit a vermibus varii generis, qui vermes visi multi.

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