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《灵界经历》 第4520节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4520

4520. Flowing into that most profane medium, were not only those from the sirens who were above and from others round about in the world of spirits, but also from various hells. She was thinking almost as in the world: when she had thought anything, there flowed in from the hells diverse confirmations, and newly hatched ideas for achieving her aims. And so she was being supported by the hells, for she ambitioned nothing else - even in the life of the body, where she had also interacted with them - than to be able to rule all of the hells. So there was in her a concentration of numerous hells.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4520

4520. Into this most profane subject there was an influx, not only from the sirens which were above, and from others round about in the world of spirits, but also from various hells. She thought almost as in the world, and whenever she had thought anything, there flowed, in different ways, from the hells such things as confirmed and new devices for effecting [her aims], and thus she was confirmed from the hells, for she was intent upon nothing else as in fact she had been in the life of the body, where she had connection with the same spirits, and was wholly absorbed in it than that she might be able to rule all the hells, on which account there was a concentration of a plurality of hells [in her].

Experientiae Spirituales 4520 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4520. In prophanissimum subjectum influebant non solum a sirenibus quae supra et ab aliis circumcirca in mundo spirituum, sed etiam ab infernis variis, cogitabat fere sicut in mundo, cum aliquid cogitavit, influebant ab infernis diver415 simoda quae confirmabant, et nova excogitata ad effectuandum, et sic ab infernis confirmabatur, nam nihil aliud studuit, etiam in vita corporis, ubi quoque commercium cum iis habuit, et ibi nec aliud studet, quam ut imperare possit omnibus infernis, quare fit concentratio plurium infernorum.

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