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《灵界经历》 第4521节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4521

4521. How involuntary elements draw toward hell


I realized that the involuntary which we have from heredity, constantly draws us downward toward hell, and that the Lord, by means of voluntary elements, draws us back and lifts us up. Spontaneous [or involuntary] elements are those pertaining to the general sense, that have their seat in the occiput, and that is where the female magicians had attached themselves [4518]. I saw by a mental image that in this way what is man's own constantly carries him downward, but because the involuntary is always together with the voluntary, by this means one who is being regenerated is lifted up, and restrained by a strong force, which I have also felt.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4521


It was perceived that the spontaneous [principle], which is the hereditary of man, continually draws him downward to hell, and that the Lord by the voluntary draws him back and elevates him. The spontaneous things are those of the common sense, and are seated in the occiput, where the witches fasten themselves. This fact was also perceived, that the propria of man continually carrying him downwards, but because the involuntary is perpetually conjoined with the voluntary, the man who is regenerating is elevated, and thus withheld by a strong force, which was also perceived.

Experientiae Spirituales 4521 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4521. Spontanea quomodo trahunt versus infernum


Perceptum quod spontaneum quod est haereditarium hominis, continue trahat hominem deorsum versus infernum, et quod Dominus per voluntaria retrahat et elevet; spontanea sunt illa quae sunt sensus communis, quae locum habent in occipitio, et ibi se alligarunt magae [4518]; hoc per ideam perceptum quod sic proprium hominis continuo deorsum eum ferat, sed quia involuntarium est jugiter cum voluntario, per hoc elevatur is qui regeneratur sic vi forti [tales] detinentur, quod etiam perceptum.

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