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《灵界经历》 第4551节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4551

4551. About the Council at which they made a division between the Divine and the Human nature of the Lord

It was granted me to speak with those who had been at the council in which it was decided that a division was to be made between the Divine and the Human nature of the Lord. They were at the left toward the front, at a distance. They said that those who had had the greatest influence in that council had been together in a dark room and had decided this mainly for the reason that otherwise, if they had acknowledged the Lord as one with the Father as He Himself said, then the papal throne would not stand, for then the Pope could not be His vicar on earth. For schisms were coming forth at that time that could have resulted in the papal power slipping away and being dissipated. Therefore they had come together for the purpose of making a division between the Divine and the Human of the Lord, and to confirm this idea had sought for supporting passages from the Word and then persuaded the rest of the council about this division.

They declared that they had known otherwise from Scripture but were unable to adopt it for the given reason. And besides this, they said that in their hearts they had not believed in the Lord but had not dared to utter this, for then they would be cast out or put to death. The idea that they would then be able to rule in the heavens and on earth they had drawn from the Word, that all power in the heavens and on earth has been given to the Lord, and thus they could rule over souls, and because they had power over these, they could also rule over the remainder. It was said that they were not content with this but also wished to possess all things on earth. It was replied that then they would have full power.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4551


It was granted to speak with those who were in a council, wherein it was concluded that a distinction should be made between the Lord's Divine and human nature. They were on the left, in front, at a distance. They said that those who had the greatest influence in that council, were together in a dark chamber, and made that decision principally for the reason, that otherwise, if they had acknowledged the Lord as one with the Father, as He said He was, the papal throne would not subsist and that the pope could not have been His vicar in the earth; for schisms existed at that time, whereby the papal power must have slipped away and been dissipated - therefore, for that reason, they assembled, that they might distinguish between the Divine and the human of the Lord; and to corroborate their distinction they sought out confirmations from the Word, and so persuaded the rest. They said that they knew otherwise from Scripture, but that they could not accept it for that reason; and they said, moreover, that, in their hearts, they did not believe in the lord, but that they did not dare to publish this, as, in case they did, they would be driven out or slain. That they could thus rule in heaven and earth, they took from the Word, in that to the Lord is given all power in heaven and earth: and thus they could rule over souls. And since, in addition to this, [they desired to rule] over their remaining possessions also, it was said that they were not content therewith, but also wished to possess everything on earth. It was replied that they would thus have complete power.

Experientiae Spirituales 4551 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4551. De Synedrio quando distinctum inter naturam Divinam et Humanam Domini

Datum est loqui cum illis, qui fuerunt in concilio, in quo conclusum quod distingueretur inter naturam Divinam et Humanam Domini, erant ad sinistrum antrorsum ad distantiam, dixerunt quod illi qui maximum influxum in illo concilio habuerunt, inter se in camera obscura fuerint, et concluserint illud principaliter ex causa, quod alioquin papale solium non subsisteret, si agnovissent Dominum pro uno cum Patre, ut Ipse dixit, tunc non potuisset Papa vicarius ejus esse in terra, schismata enim eo tempore existebant, per quae potuisset papalis potestas labi, ac dissipari, ideo ex illa causa convenerunt, quod distinguerent inter Divinum et Humanum Domini, ad quod corroborandum conquisiverunt ex Verbo confirmantia, et sic persuaserunt reliquis; dixerunt quod sciverint aliter ex scriptura, sed quod non potuerint acceptare illud propter illam causam; et praeterea dixerunt, quod in cordibus suis non crediderint in Dominum, sed quod non ausi hoc edicere, sic enim expellerentur vel occiderentur: quod dominari sic potuerint in coelis et in terris, habuerint ex Verbo quod data sit Domino omnis potestas in coelis et in terris, et sic potuerint dominari super animas, et cum super has etiam super reliqua eorum, dictum quod non hoc contenti fuerint, sed etiam quod possidere vellent omnia in terris, responsum quod sic in plena potestate essent.

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