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《灵界经历》 第4552节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4552

4552. Evil societies stick closely together, and make friends with stupid [spirits] and simple folk

They were from among the worst of sirens. They came near while I was writing, because in this way they were able to draw enjoyment to themselves, and deprive me of it. Whenever they came they brought along stupid spirits who had been learned in the world and as a consequence, proud. These stupid spirits were interspersed among them and whenever they came up they brought along simple, upright spirits whose faith was such that such that they would believe whatever the others said, as if they were oracles. The sirens appeared toward the front below to the right, the stupid learned ones toward the right at head-level, and the simple nearby. And it was observed that whenever the sirens came, these spirits came too and arranged themselves one after another around me, bringing darkness upon me, so that I was scarcely able to know what to write or to think except in a confused way. This was said repeatedly to the stupid ones, but still they did not grasp it, for the sirens were breathing the notion into them that they were learned, that they were sent to this place to rule, and other such things. This made it plain that they formed a league of societies ranging from the evil to the simple upright. But still those who are upright, after being harassed for a long time by such spirits, are rescued or freed from that league and come among the upright.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4552


There were some of the more evil sort of sirens who approached, when I wrote, because they could thus attract my pleasure to themselves, and deprive me of it. As often as they came, they also brought along stupid spirits, who, in the world, were learned, and hence of a haughty disposition. These were interposed, and as often as they came, they brought simple upright spirits, whose faith in them was such that they believed whatever they said, as if they had been oracles. The sirens appeared in front, on the right hand, beneath; the learned-stupid spirits to the right on the level of the head, and the simple near by; and it was observed, that, as often as the sirens came, the others came also, and arranged themselves thus in order before me, and superinduced darkness upon me, so that I could scarcely know how to write anything, nor to think, save confusedly. This was very often said to the stupid ones; but they took no notice, for the sirens infused into them [the belief] that they were learned, that they were sent hither to rule, and many such [notions]. Hence it was evident, that there was a league of societies, extending from the evil to the simple upright; but still those who are upright, after being long harassed by such, are released, or liberated, from that league, and come amongst the upright.

Experientiae Spirituales 4552 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4552. Quod cohaereant societates malae, et sibi adjungant stupidos et simplices

Fuerunt ex pejori sorte sirenum, qui cum scriberem advenerunt, quia sic jucundum sibi attrahere potuerunt, et me privare illo, quoties illi veniebant, etiam adducebant stupidos, qui fuerunt in mundo docti, et inde animo elato, qui interponebantur, et quoties hi veniebant, adducebant simplices spiritus probos, qui illa fide fuerunt, quod crederent quicquid illi dicebant, sicut oraculis, sirenes apparebant antrorsus ad dextram infra; stupidi docti ad dextram ad planum capitis, et simplices prope, et observatum quod quoties sirenes veniebant, etiam illi venirent, et se in ordine ita circum me locarent, ac inducerent mihi tenebras, ut vix scire possem aliquid scribere, nec cogitare nisi confuse, hoc dictum saepius stupidis, sed non usque capiebant, nam inspirabant illis sirenes quod docti essent, quod huc missi ut regerent, et plura talia; inde patuit quod liga societatum essent a malis ad simplices probos, sed usque illi qui probi sunt, postquam diu vexati sunt a talibus, eximuntur seu liberantur a liga illa, et veniunt inter probos.

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