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《灵界经历》 第4558节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4558

4558. Hypocrites who hurt the flesh of the gums of the teeth

Pain seized the flesh of my gums on the left side so that they swelled up. From this I realized that hypocrites were present, and it was clear that it was (Dideron), who was the kind of hypocrite that when speaking with others in a flattering and friendly manner was nevertheless mocking them at heart. Consequently for some time he was able to be in the company of upright spirits also. Besides this, he was such that he found pleasure in causing others sadness and grief and did this constantly.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4558


Pain seized upon the flesh of the gums of the left side, so that they became swollen. I thence perceived that hypocrites were present, and it was discovered that it was Dideron, who was such a hypocrite, that, while he spoke in a courteous and friendly manner with others, he yet mocked them in his heart. Thence, also, he could be in the company of the good for some time. Moreover, he was such that his delight was to produce sorrow and pain in others, and this continually.

Experientiae Spirituales 4558 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4558. Hypocritae qui carnem gingivarum dentium laedunt

Dolor occupabat carnem gingivarum a sinistra parte, sic ut tumescerent, percepi inde quod hypocritae adessent, et manifestatum quod esset (Dideron) qui talis hypocrita erat, ut cum loqueretur blande et amice cum aliis, usque corde subsannaret eos, inde etiam in consortio proborum potuit esse aliquamdiu; praeterea talis fuit, ut ejus jucundum esset aliis triste et dolorificum facere, et hoc continue.

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