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《灵界经历》 第4583节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4583

4583. About a certain extremely malicious one, who was cunning under a guise of innocence, his hell

On one occasion very filthy things were being quite potently poured forth, so that the aura was filled with such things. The spirits around me did not know where they came from, but it was revealed that it came from one of those who seemed to themselves to ascend by a ladder at the back, for he was suddenly drawn down by a blanket at the back, looking just like an infant. By this it was symbolized that it was innocence that he had dissembled in order to produce such abominations.

[2] He was then immediately lifted up on high, and shown to the angels for what kind of a devil he was and what kind he had been in the life of the body, and then he was thrown to the back as far as the hells there extend, so that he would be moved backward out of the sight of heaven to the farthest hell there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4583


Once on a time, most filthy things were poured forth and very powerfully, so that the sphere was filled with such things. The spirits around me did not know whence they came; but it was revealed that it was from one of such as seem to themselves to ascend by ladders, at the back; for he was suddenly drawn by a great veil behind, and appeared beneath, looking just like an infant, by which was signified, that it was innocence he put on in order to produce such abominations. He was then immediately raised up aloft, and shown to the angels, as to what quality of devil he was, and of what quality he had been in the life of the body; and he was then rejected to the back, as far off as the hells there extend themselves, so that he might be removed from the view of heaven to the remotest hell there.

Experientiae Spirituales 4583 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4583. De quodam malitiosissimo, qui dolosus sub innocentia, ei infernum

Quondam effundebantur spurcissima, et admodum valide, sic ut sphaera impleretur talibus, nesciebant spiritus circum me, unde; at apertum, quod esset ab uno, talium qui per scalas sibi ascendere videntur a tergo, subito enim detrahebatur a tali velamine a tergo, et apparuit subter sicut infans, quo significabatur quod esset innocentia quam praetexit ad tam abominabilia producenda; illico tunc elevatus in altum et ostensus angelis, qualis diabolus, et qualis fuerat in vita corporis, et dein rejectus ad tergum tam longe quantum inferna ibi se extendant, sic ut removeretur a conspectu coeli ad longissimum ibi infernum.

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